
Staff Picture

Emma Wright

WIDA Professional Learning Specialist

Emma has worked in education for the last nine years in a variety of capacities, both in the US and abroad. With a background in Anthropology & Sociology, she is passionate about understanding the uniqueness of people and connecting with diverse communities. Most recently, she spent five years at a new middle and high school in Chattanooga, Tennessee building and directing the ESOL program. In this role, she worked directly with students to build their language capacities and supported teachers through coaching and the development of professional learning opportunities focused on best practices for multilingual students.Through her work, she has been honored to meet and to be mentored by many incredible educators. She is thrilled to be serving in a role with WIDA that will continue to connect her with wonderful educators making a difference in the lives of multilingual learners across the globe. In her free time, Emma loves to spend time with friends and family, listen to music, rock climb, and study French and Spanish.