WIDA School Improvement System

A school-wide leadership assessment and feedback system to support teaching English learners
Developed in collaboration with WIDA leaders, content experts and the research team behind the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL), the WIDA School Improvement System (WIDA SIS) is a school-wide assessment and feedback system that measures key instructional leadership practices that enhance instruction for English learners (ELs).
- WIDA SIS utilizes a comprehensive survey to assess core leadership practices across a school that support instruction for ELs.
- Rather than focus on an individual person, WIDA SIS focuses on key practices, activities and processes to help move schools forward in their school improvement work.
- Upon completion of the survey, users receive immediate targeted data and feedback designed to support school improvement and professional growth essential for the instruction of English learners.
How does WIDA SIS work?
- WIDA SIS is used in a formative process to measure growth over time for ongoing school improvement planning.
- Specifically, schools and districts identified for improvement may use WIDA SIS as part of comprehensive needs assessments.
- WIDA SIS provides action-based, multilingual learner-focused data that fills in gaps on school improvement plans that traditionally rely on summative data alone.
How do education leaders use WIDA SIS?
- School-level leaders use WIDA SIS to inform professional development needs around instruction for ELs.
- District-level administrators can use WIDA SIS to support school leadership development and district-wide improvement planning with a specific focus on support for ELs.
- State Education Agency leaders can use WIDA SIS to examine and measure Title I and Title III program effectiveness in districts across the state.
To share with others, you can print this page or download the SIS Flyer
For more information and to schedule a live demo of the WIDA School Improvement System, please visit the CALL website.