
Technology for WIDA assessments
The technology coordinator for each assessment should begin preparing devices for testing between two and four weeks before testing begins. This allows enough time to properly install software, make any network or firewall changes, and test the entire system for readiness.
If you need help, please contact the appropriate support area for the assessment you will be administering:
ACCESS for ELLs Online and WIDA Screener Online
DRC Customer Service
TTY: 763-268-2889
MetriTech Customer Service
Technology Components by Assessment
ACCESS for ELLs and WIDA Screener Online
These systems are made up of the following components:
WIDA AMS: a web-based interface used to perform administrative functions. This does not require any installation – just an up-to-date web browser.
Note: WIDA AMS is used for all ACCESS for ELLs assessments, even those that are paper-based (ACCESS Paper, Kindergarten ACCESS, Alternate ACCESS).
Central Office Service Service Device (COS-SD): a web-based, locally installed application that helps technology coordinators plan, configure and manage their testing environment. This requires you to download and install a software package on a local device.
DRC INSIGHT: a secure browser that delivers online assessments to students. This requires a software install on each local student testing device.
Key Technology Resources
- Technology User Guide
- Supported System Requirements for ACCESS for ELLs and WIDA Screener
- Site Technology Readiness Checklist for Deploying WIDA Online Assessments
- Introduction to DRC INSIGHT Technology for WIDA Assessments
A full list of technology coordinator resources can be found in WIDA-AMS (or in the WIDA Secure Portal).
This system is made up of the following components:
Test Administrator Interface (TAI): a web-based interface used to perform administrative functions for the online system. This does not require any installation – just an up-to-date web browser.
Secure Student Browser: a secure browser that delivers online assessments to students. This requires a software install on each local student testing device.
Key Technology Resources
- WIDA MODEL Online Getting Started Guide
- User's Guide to the Test Administrator Interface
- MODEL Test Administration Manual
Log in to WIDA MODEL to review these resources.