Revised ACCESS for ELLs Is Coming in 2025-26

Revised ACCESS for ELLs is a multi-year project to integrate the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition into ACCESS Online, Paper and Kindergarten ACCESS. Learn more about our work to fully redesign Kindergarten ACCESS on the Redesigned Kindergarten ACCESS Is Coming in 2025-26 webpage. These updated tests will be ready for the 2025-26 ACCESS testing year.
What to expect in 2025-26
- A typical ACCESS testing experience for students and educators
- We made all changes to the test behind the scenes, so that the test administration experience remains the same
- Score reports are released according to your regular schedule
- ACCESS test content is consistent with what you are teaching in the classroom
- Brand-new, easy-to-use language charts that help tie ACCESS scores to classroom assessment
- Revamped score report resources for educators, students and families
Fall through Winter 2023
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs cognitive labs at select sites throughout the WIDA Consortium
Winter 2023 through Spring 2024
- ACCESS for ELLs Paper field test in the state of Florida only
- ACCESS for ELLs Online field test content is embedded in the test (Note: Field test content is always embedded in ACCESS Online)
- Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs pilot testing at select sites throughout the WIDA Consortium
Winter 2024 through Spring 2025
- ACCESS for ELLs Online field test content is embedded in the test
- Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs field test at sites that sign up to participate
Winter 2025 through Spring 2026 (and beyond)
Revised ACCESS for ELLs and redesigned Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs are used by all sites in the WIDA Consortium
Standard Setting 101
What is standard setting?
Anytime an organization significantly revises an assessment, like we’re doing with ACCESS, they must conduct a standard setting study. Standard setting is when a group of select, trained educators determine proficiency level scores and set cut scores for an assessment. Cut scores describe the level of student performance needed to meet the expectations of each proficiency level. For example, what scale score does a student need to receive a proficiency level of 2 or 3 at their grade level? Cut scores also help states determine the appropriate level a student must achieve on ACCESS to be considered proficient in English.
Standard setting must be conducted after the first annual administration of a revised assessment.
Who attends the standard setting event?
Standard setting panelists are English language and content teachers, as well as school and district administrators from across the WIDA Consortium. They are experts who work with multilingual learners and are familiar with ACCESS. Members of the WIDA Executive Committee (state leaders who represent various WIDA subcommittees) and WIDA's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) are present to oversee the process, and data experts will be there to analyze data. Staff from WIDA and the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) host and facilitate the event.
Video Resources
Watch Revising ACCESS: The Impact of the Standards Framework, 2020 Edition (5 minutes) to learn about
- How ACCESS for ELLs connects to the WIDA English Language Development Standards
- Key elements of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition
WIDA tip: This video gives a solid intro to ACCESS and the 2020 Edition. Share it with content area educators or anyone who needs a refresher on what ACCESS is and how it connects to the ELD Standards Framework.
Watch Revising ACCESS: Emphasizing Standard 1 in the Listening and Reading Tests (4 minutes) to learn about
- Standard 1 and how it fits in the WIDA ELD Standards Framework
- How Standard 1 will affect the structure of Listening and Reading test items