Member of the WIDA Consortium since 2006.
Oklahoma uses WIDA Screener for Kindergarten, WIDA MODEL for Kindergarten, WIDA Screener (for grades 1-12), and WIDA MODEL (for grades 1-12) to identify English learners (ELs). ACCESS for ELLs, Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, and Alternate ACCESS are given to all ELs during the annual testing window, which typically lasts from late January through late March.
Testing Dates
9/20/24 | WIDA Alternate ACCESS Reports and Data Files Available – Online in WIDA AMS |
10/10/24 | WIDA Alternate ACCESS Reports Available in District - Printed |
12/3/24 - 3/28/25 | WIDA AMS Test Setup Available for Registrations |
1/6/25 - 1/7/25 | Districts Receive Test Materials |
1/6/25 - 3/14/25 | Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS |
1/6/25 - 3/28/25 | Test Window |
3/28/25 | Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC - Postmark date |
4/9/25 - 5/6/25 | Pre-Reporting Data Validation – LEAs in WIDA AMS |
5/22/25 | Districts Receive Reports and Data - Posted in WIDA AMS |
6/9/25 - 6/10/25 | Printed Reports Received in Districts |
7/8/25 | Updated ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Data - Posted in WIDA AMS |
Requirements and Resources
See below for state-specific information and resources related to ELL assessment, including your state’s ACCESS for ELLs Checklist, where you can find each step in the ACCESS testing process from beginning to end.
ACCESS for ELLs Checklist Identification and Placement Guidance
- State Testing Requirements
- ACCESS for ELLs Online is administered for English learners (ELs) in Grades 1-12.
- ELs in Grades 1-3 will assess the Writing domain using paper booklets.
- ELs in Grades 4-5 may opt to assess the Writing domain using paper booklets.
- Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS remain as fully paper-based assessments.
- ELs with special needs may take the paper-based ACCESS for ELLs if so indicated in their IEP or 504 Plan.
- For newly arrived ELs and/or ELs who have considerable difficulty in keyboarding, local school systems may order handwriting response booklets in the additional test materials ordering window (see the “Testing Dates” timeline on the Oklahoma state WIDA page for window dates).
- Test Preparation and Training
- The WIDA Secure Portal account provides access to WIDA Screener for Kindergarten, WIDA Screener, and all ACCESS training materials.
- District staff who participate in WIDA administrations will be required to recertify every two years or when OSDE determines that assessment and/or training course updates require it. All trainings are available through the WIDA Secure Portal.
- To administer a specific WIDA assessment, test administrators must complete the associated training course and pass the assessment certification quiz.
- Manuals, Guides and Test Materials
English Learner Process and Practice Frequently Asked Questions (EL FAQs) Updated 8.12.22
Comprehensive guidance document containing information on all aspects of identifying, serving and assessing English learners in Oklahoma public schools.
WIDA Assessment Security Checklists
A set of checklists for those involved in administering WIDA assessments. These are intended to help LEAs avoid testing irregularities.
Professional Learning
Please see the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s OELP EL Instruction and Professional Development page for more information on our professional learning opportunities.
Core Self-Paced Workshop Package
Virtual workshops designed for participants to engage with content at their own pace. May be completed individually or with a local professional learning community. Unlimited access to all educators in the state beginning September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 and can be accessed through the WIDA Secure Portal under Professional Learning.
- Developing Language for Learning in Mathematics
- Engaging Multilingual Learners in Science: Making Sense of Phenomena
- Exploring the WIDA PreK-3 Essential Actions
- Let’s Play! Multilingual Children’s Joyful Learning in PreK-3 (NEW!)
- Making Language Visible in the Classroom
- Newcomers: Promoting Success through Strengthening Practice
- Reading Comprehension Across Content Areas with Multilingual Learners (NEW!) Reframing Education for Long-term English Learners
- Teaching Multilingual Learners Social Studies through Multiple Perspectives (Updated)
- The WIDA ELD Standards Framework: A Collaborative Approach
- WIDA Español: Desarollando el español: Las expectativas del lenguaje (NEW!)
- WIDA Español: Evaluaciones del desarrollo del lenguaje a nivel de salón - Classroom assessment for language development (NEW!)