Member of the WIDA Consortium since 2004.
Vermont uses WIDA Screener for Kindergarten, WIDA MODEL for Kindergarten, and WIDA Screener (Grades 1-12) to identify English language learners (ELLs). ACCESS for ELLs is given to all ELLs during the annual testing window, which lasts from early January through early March.
Testing Dates
9/13/24 | WIDA Alternate ACCESS Reports and Data Files Available - Online in WIDA AMS |
10/1/24 | WIDA Alternate ACCESS Reports Available in District - Printed |
10/24/24-11/14/24 | Test Materials Ordering in WIDA AMS - LEAs |
10/24/24-11/14/24 | LEAs Load Pre-ID/Student Import File into WIDA AMS |
12/10/24-3/14/25 | WIDA AMS Test Setup Available for Registrations |
1/2/25-1/3/25 | Districts Receive Test Materials |
1/2/25-3/7/25 | Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS |
1/6/25-3/14/25 | Test Window |
3/18/25 | Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC - Postmark date |
5/1/25 | Districts Receive Reports and Data - Posted in WIDA AMS |
5/16/25 | Printed Reports Received in Districts |
6/12/25 | Updated ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Data Posted in WIDA AMS |
Requirements and Resources
See below for state-specific information and resources related to ELL assessment, including your state’s ACCESS for ELLs Checklist, where you can find each step in the ACCESS testing process from beginning to end.
ACCESS for ELLs Checklist Identification and Placement Guidance
- State Testing Requirements
- Students in Grades 1-12 take ACCESS for ELLs Online. Paper-based assessments in Grades 1-12 require pre-approval from the State. Contact Stephanie Vogel at for more information.
- Students in Grades 1-3 continue to view the Writing prompt and write their responses in a physical response booklet. This is still considered the online assessment.
- Students in Grades 4-5 keyboard their Writing responses on the test platform.
- Kindergarten ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS tests remain paper-based.
- DRC sends Writing test booklets for Grades 1-3 with the initial materials order based on the student counts entered into WIDA AMS. Additional response booklets can be ordered if necessary during the Additional Materials Ordering Window.
- Test Preparation and Training
- ACCESS training courses and certification quizzes are available in the WIDA Secure Portal. Contact WIDA Client Services for a WIDA Secure Portal account.
- WIDA Screener for Kindergarten and WIDA Screener training and test materials are available in the WIDA Secure Portal. If you need access to training and test materials, contact WIDA Client Services to create a portal account.
- Student and Test Session Management, Testing Software, and Materials Ordering are done through the WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS). If you do not have a WIDA AMS account, contact your DTC.
- To be certified to administer ACCESS, log in to the WIDA Secure Portal. Select the Assessment Training path and find the course details page for the test you are administering. Enroll in the course and view the appropriate training modules and materials for your role. Pass the certification quiz for that assessment.
- Educators are required to certify annually, prior to administration.
- Manuals, Guides and Test Materials
- WIDA AMS Supplement: Submit Incomplete Domain - In order to begin the Speaking and Writing domains in ACCESS, students must first take Listening and Reading. If a student is unable to complete the Listening or Reading domain (e.g., due to a disability), districts can submit an incomplete domain to continue to the Speaking and Writing domains. Instructions for this process can be found in the above supplement.
- 2022-2023 ACCESS Materials Management Guidelines
Standards and Instructional Support
Please find resources and guidance related to our State Standards, including Coordinated Curriculum, Content Areas, Proficiency-Based Learning, Flexible Pathways, Assessments, Adult Education and Lexile and Quantile Frameworks at the Student Learning page of the Agency of Education Website.
Professional Learning
Vermont offers a WIDA professional learning option for all educators in our state interested in improving instruction and outcomes for English Learners: on-demand Self-paced Workshops. For full descriptions and intended audiences, view the 2023-2024 Self-paced Workshops flyer. You can choose to complete as many of these workshops as you want, when you want, at your own pace in the WIDA Secure Portal.
If you are a classroom teacher, specialist, instructional coach, or school leader who does not already have a WIDA Secure Portal account and you would like to participate or get more information, contact the WIDA Client Services Center to set up an account.
In December 2023, AOE is offering a facilitated workshop, Scaffolding Learning through Language.
The purpose of the webinar series is to encourage educators to consider a dynamic set of classroom practices that support multilingual learners as they move toward increasing independence and expertise in grade-level content. Participants will explore how rigorous, well-sequenced curriculum within the context of meaningful, shared experiences contribute to rich classroom interactions that mediate learning.
Learning Goals
- Develop an understanding of scaffolding practices based on prior knowledge, new learning, and shared experiences.
- Build awareness of macro- and micro-scaffolding practices that apprentice students into language use for content area learning.
- Consider how students’ resources can support collaborative learning.
- Recognize the importance of establishing a collaborative community of learners that moves forward and upward together.
- Examine ways to engage students in exploring language use for content learning.
- Develop a vision for Scaffolding UP in your context.
If you’re interested and would like more information, please contact Stephanie Vogel at