WIDA News Extra May 2020

Dear WIDA Community,

As the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have rapidly evolved over the past several weeks, the WIDA Annual Conference planning team and WIDA’s Executive Leadership have been monitoring guidelines and recommendations from many sources, including updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state governments, and meeting industry experts. The health and safety of attendees, WIDA staff, and the communities we serve remain our top priority and we have conducted frequent risk assessments as new information about the pandemic has become available.

With heavy hearts, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the in-person 2020 WIDA Annual Conference scheduled to take place in Denver, CO on October 26-29. We know that the WIDA Annual Conference is a valuable professional development opportunity for educators of multilingual learners and although we will not be able to meet in person to share best practices and network as planned, we are currently exploring options to host the conference virtually. We are optimistic that we will be able to find an alternative way to support the educators we serve. We will continue to post updates about our progress on the WIDA Annual Conference COVID-19 Updates webpage.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this unfamiliar situation. And most importantly, thank you for your continued support of students and dedication to the field of multilingual education.

Tim Boals,

Tim Boals signature

WIDA Founder and Director


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