Lynn Shafer Willner
language standards, assessment, and digitalization
Dr. Lynn Shafer Willner designs language standards for multilingual learners, digital tools, and accessibility/accommodations research and guidelines. She is a member of the WIDA Assessment Team.
Her current work focuses on the integration of the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework into the WIDA suite of assessments. Most recently, Lynn developed the alignment architecture for the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework (2020 Edition). She has also authored a variety of articles on the WIDA Standards Framework, standards alignment, digitalization, and accessibility for multilingual learners. Previous projects completed while working at WestEd included lead authorship of the 2014 ELPA21 English Language Proficiency Standards and Proficiency Level Descriptors and management of the project to revise the PARCC K–2 Model Content Framework for English language arts and mathematics. A former Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools ESOL teacher, Lynn has a Ph.D. in Education from George Mason University with specializations in multilingual/multicultural education and instructional technology.
Her current work focuses on the integration of the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework into the WIDA suite of assessments. Most recently, Lynn developed the alignment architecture for the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework (2020 Edition). She has also authored a variety of articles on the WIDA Standards Framework, standards alignment, digitalization, and accessibility for multilingual learners. Previous projects completed while working at WestEd included lead authorship of the 2014 ELPA21 English Language Proficiency Standards and Proficiency Level Descriptors and management of the project to revise the PARCC K–2 Model Content Framework for English language arts and mathematics. A former Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools ESOL teacher, Lynn has a Ph.D. in Education from George Mason University with specializations in multilingual/multicultural education and instructional technology.