This workshop offers an incredible opportunity to empower our multilingual students, helping them connect their rich identities as global citizens with their social environments. By exploring essential concepts, innovative theories, and dynamic approaches, we encourage participants to think critically and engage in meaningful discussions through a global lens.
Time to complete: approx. 3 hours
What to expect
This workshop provides a platform to elevate multilingual experiences through their voices, highlight multiple perspectives, and develop a critical understanding of history. It also includes consideration of literacy across multimodal text types, the integration of content and language learning, and increased accessibility of materials through the use of technology, inquiry and translanguaging practices.
What you'll learn
Participants who complete this workshop will be able to
- Engage with theories and approaches that integrate inquiry-based thinking and student-led discourse in the social studies classroom.
- Explore teacher-centered practices to uplift multilingual student voices and extend background knowledge through the use of multimodal text.
- Synthesize literacy-centered research to encourage the presentation of multiple perspectives.