North Dakota
Member of the WIDA Consortium since 2006.
North Dakota uses WIDA Screener for Kindergarten and WIDA Screener for Grades 1-12 to identify English learners (ELs). All English learners must participate in the annual ND English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessment (ACCESS for ELLs) during the testing schedule below.
Testing Dates
9/12/24 | Alternate ACCESS Reports and Data Files Available - Online |
9/24/24-9/25/24 | Alternate ACCESS Reports Available in District - Printed |
12/26/24 - 3/13/25 | WIDA AMS Test Setup Available for Registrations |
1/2/25 - 1/6/25 | Districts Receive Test Materials |
2/3/25 - 3/13/25 | Test Window |
1/2/25 - 2/28/25 | Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS |
3/13/25 | Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC - Postmark date |
3/28/25 - 4/10/25 | Pre-Reporting Data Validation – LEAs in WIDA AMS |
5/1/25 | Districts Receive Reports and Data - Posted in WIDA AMS |
5/5/25 - 5/7/25 | Printed Reports Received in Districts |
6/10/25 | Updated ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Data Posted in WIDA AMS |
Requirements and Resources
See below for state-specific information and resources related to EL assessment, including your state’s ACCESS for ELLs Checklist, where you can find each step in the ACCESS testing process from beginning to end.
ACCESS for ELLs Checklist Identification and Placement Guidance
- State Testing Requirements
- All potential English learners must be screened using the ND English language proficiency (ELP) screener assessment (WIDA Screener).
- All English learners must participate in the annual ELP summative assessment (ACCESS for ELLs).
- All English Learners in grades 3-8 and 10 who have been in the country for more than 12 months must participate in the ND State Assessment (NDSA). There are exemptions for students participating in the NDSA. These include students who have been in the country for less than a year, and students with a documented plan where a team of stakeholders has determined it would not benefit the student to take the NDSA. In cases where the NDSA may not be deemed appropriate, the ND Alternate Assessment (NDAA) may be an option for the student.
- Newly arrived English learners may qualify for a one-time exemption of the RLA portion of the state content assessment within the first 12 months of enrollment in a U.S. school.
Attainment (exit) is primarily based on ND ELP scores. To qualify for reclassification, a student must meet English language proficiency comparable to their native English-speaking peers determined by one of the following options:
- General: Minimum 5.0 composite ELP and minimum 3.5 proficiency level (PL) in each domain.
- ALT: Minimum P2 composite on ALT ACCESS for two consecutive years and documented approval of the ILP/IEP teams.
- Exempt Domain: Minimum 4.5 adapted composite ELP, minimum 3.5 PL in each non-exempt domain, and documented approval of the ILP/IEP teams.
- Plateau: Documented high-quality English language development (ELD) instruction with no ELP growth for a minimum of 3 consecutive years, minimum composite ELP of 4.0 and documented assurances and approval of the ILP/IEP teams.
- Test Preparation and Training
- All personnel who contact WIDA assessments must be trained and certified ANNUALLY on those assessments with which they have access. This is important to maintain the security and reliability of the assessments.
- Staff who contact the assessment but do not administer any portions must review and sign the security agreement available under “ACCESS for ELLs Test Security” on the NDDPI website or in the EL Coordinator Team.
- The training/certification for the WIDA Screener and ACCESS assessments is completed through training modules in the WIDA Secure Portal.
- To administer any paper-based version of WIDA Screener or ACCESS, educators must hold a ND EL endorsement.
- District Test Coordinators (DTCs) must update/maintain WIDA and DRC accounts for all applicable personnel to ensure permissions and trainings are current and accurate. The district test coordinator must annually verify this information to the NDDPI. If you did not receive the verification form, please contact the EL Programs Office.
- All personnel who contact WIDA assessments must be trained and certified ANNUALLY on those assessments with which they have access. This is important to maintain the security and reliability of the assessments.
- Manuals, Guides and Test Materials
- State-specific guidance can be found on the NDDPI website and in the Office 365 EL Coordinator or EL Educator Teams.
- Additional test manuals and guides can be found in the WIDA Secure Portal.
Standards and Instructional Support
The WIDA English Language Development Standards, 2020 Edition implementation starts in Fall 2023 in ND. To learn more about the 2020 Edition, please visit the 2020 Edition page on the WIDA website.
Professional development options are listed on the NDDPI website and in the EL Coordinator Team.
Professional Learning
Beginning September 1, 2024, all North Dakota K-12 educators will have free access to the following Self-Paced Workshops:
- The WIDA ELD Standards Framework: A Collaborative Approach
- Newcomers: Promoting Success through Strengthening Practice
- Developing Language for Learning in Mathematics
- Engaging Multilingual Learners in Science: Making Sense of Phenomena
- Exploring the WIDA Pre-K-3 Essential Actions
- Home Languages in the Classroom
- Making Language Visible in the Classroom
- Reframing Education for Long-term English Learners
- Social Studies: Engaging Multilingual Learners through Inquiry
All Self-Paced Workshops are accessible via the WIDA Secure Portal. Click on the “Professional Learning” icon to view available workshops. Complete a workshop and print your certificate. To obtain a WIDA Secure Portal account, contact your district’s EL Administrator or contact WIDA Client Support Services directly at / (866) 276-7735
Facilitated Virtual Workshops
The following document contains information on the 2023-24 WIDA Facilitated Virtual Workshops for North Dakota educators. Webinars are scheduled for January 17, 2024, and January 24, 2024, starting at 3:30 p.m. CST. Please contact for questions and additional information on how to sign up.