New Mexico

Member of the WIDA Consortium since 2009.


New Mexico uses the WIDA Screener for Kindergarten and WIDA Screener Online (for Grades 1-12) to identify English language learners (ELLs). ACCESS for ELLs is given to all ELLs during the annual testing window, which typically lasts from mid-January through mid-March.

Testing Dates

9/24/24WIDA Alternate ACCESS Reports and Data Files Available - Online in WIDA AMS
10/10/24WIDA Alternate ACCESS Reports Available in District - Printed
10/15/24 - 11/20/24Test Materials Ordering Available in WIDA AMS – LEAs
11/22/24SEA Loads Pre-ID/Student Import File into WIDA AMS
11/27/24 - 3/7/24WIDA AMS Test Setup Available for Registrations
1/7/25SEA Loads Pre-ID/Student Import File into WIDA AMS (2nd import)
1/9/25 - 1/10/25Districts Receive Test Materials
1/9/25 - 2/28/25Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS
1/14/25 - 3/17/25Test Window
3/17/25Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC - Postmark date
4/4/25 - 4/18/25Pre-Reporting Data Validation – LEAs in WIDA AMS
5/14/25Districts Receive Reports and Data - Posted in WIDA AMS
5/23/24 - 5/27/25Printed Reports Received in Districts
6/10/25Updated ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Data Posted to WIDA AMS

Requirements and Resources

See below for state-specific information and resources related to ELL assessment, including your state’s ACCESS for ELLs Checklist, where you can find each step in the ACCESS testing process from beginning to end.

ACCESS for ELLs Checklist Identification and Placement Guidance

State Testing Requirements
  • New Mexico administers ACCESS for ELLs Online for Grades 1-12.
  • Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS continue to be paper-based assessments.
  • Students in Grades 1-3 complete the Writing domain in a paper booklet.
Test Preparation and Training
  • Test Administrators for ACCESS for ELLs and/or Kindergarten ACCESS must be licensed teachers/administrators and pass the required certification quizzes with a score of 80% or higher.
  • To administer Alternate ACCESS, the Test Administrator must be a licensed special education teacher who is familiar with the student’s needs and communication methods. The Test Administrator must review the materials in the Alternate ACCESS Training Course and pass the certification quiz with a score of 80% or higher.
  • ACCESS training courses can be found on the WIDA Secure Portal. Contact your District Test Coordinator if you do not have an account.
  • WIDA Screener for Kindergarten and WIDA Screener training and test materials can be found on the WIDA Secure Portal. Contact your District Test Coordinator if you need an account.
  • Test Administrators are required to certify annually each school year.
  • You may view your proof of certification on your account on the WIDA Secure Portal. Contact your District Test Coordinator to find out if you have to submit physical proof of certification.
Manuals, Guides and Test Materials

WIDA Facilitator Toolkits - Use the resources in these toolkits to help train educators on ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener or on score reports. Available in the WIDA Secure Portal (login required).

Professional Learning

New Mexico has opted into the WIDA Self-Paced Workshops, which are now available for all educators in districts and charter schools. Educators who would like to participate in the Self-Paced Workshops should contact the District Learning Coordinator (DLC) or District Test Coordinator (DTC) for their district/state charter school. For any questions on the process, please contact Ann Chavez at

Test Administrators should complete the English Learner Identification Process Training available in CANVAS. This course is also required for frontline staff who assist parents or guardians when enrolling their children in public schools in New Mexico.


Dr. Omran Akasha
ACCESS & Avant Coordinator
C. (505) 629-9783
Help Desk: (505) 827-5800 

Additional Contact
Mayra Valtierrez
Director, Language and Culture Division
(505) 231-1140

Ann Chavez
EL Specialist

WIDA Client Services Center 
Contact us for questions about training materials or test administration procedures, classroom resources, or for problems with your WIDA Secure Portal account.
(866) 276-7735

Logging In

WIDA Secure Portal
Use the WIDA Secure Portal to access test training manuals and resources, as well as Online Professional Learning modules.

WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) 
WIDA AMS is managed by our partner company Data Recognition Corporation (DRC). You can order ACCESS materials, manage your student and test information, and find technology resources and testing software via WIDA AMS.