Kansas partnered with WIDA to administer WIDA Alternate ACCESS in 2023.
WIDA Alternate ACCESS is given to identified MLs with the most significant cognitive disabilities during the annual testing window.
Testing Dates
12/13/24 - 12/31/24 | Test Materials Ordering via WIDA AMS – LEAs |
12/13/24 - 12/31/24 | LEAs Load Pre-ID/Student Import File into WIDA AMS |
1/29/25 - 1/30/25 | Districts Receive Test Materials |
2/3/25 - 3/14/25 | Test Window |
1/29/25 - 3/7/25 | Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS |
3/26/25 | Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC - Postmark date |
4/28/25 - 5/2/25 | Pre-Reporting Data Validation – LEAs in WIDA AMS |
5/20/25 | Alternate ACCESS Data Available to SEA - Posted in WIDA AMS |
5/20/25 | Districts Receive Reports and Data - Posted in WIDA AMS |
6/10/25 - 6/11/25 | Printed Reports Received in Districts |
Requirements and Resources
See below for state-specific information and resources related to ML assessment, including your state’s WIDA Alternate ACCESS Checklist, where you can find each step in the Alternate ACCESS testing process from beginning to end.
WIDA Alternate ACCESS Checklist
- State Testing Requirements
- LEAs are required to administer an approved screening assessment to students who enroll in the first month of school within 30 calendar days of enrollment. For students who enroll later, a screening assessment must be administered within 10 school days of enrollment.
- All ELs with the most significant cognitive disability must be tested annually using the Alternate ACCESS assessment. When students earn an Overall Composite Score of 4 or higher they are considered proficient in English. Students are then reclassified to either transitional for one year and /or monitored status for 2 years. Students are not required to take the WIDA Alternate ACCESS assessment once they are reclassified. The LEA may use appropriate data, evaluation, and team-based problem solving to consider reclassifying the student as EL if, while in monitoring status, students demonstrate consistent and continued need for increased language support services.
- WIDA Alternate ACCESS is a paper-based assessment for all grades, Kindergarten through Grade 12.
- To be certified to administer and score the WIDA Alternate ACCESS assessment, test administrators must annually complete the WIDA Alternate ACCESS: Administration and Scoring training course.
- KS Participation Decision Tree
- After using the KS Participation Decision Tree teams should refer to the Rubric for Determining Student Eligibility for the Kansas Alternate Assessment (DLM) for students in grades K-2 who are not already participating in the Alternate State Assessment (DLM).
- Test Preparation and Training
- Preparing for Alternate ACCESS Testing.
- The WIDA Alternate ACCESS: Administration and Scoring training course is located in the WIDA Secure Portal. If you do not have a WIDA Secure Portal account, please contact your District Test Coordinator (DTC). If your DTC does not have an account, contact Chelsea Pelfrey, chelsea.pelfrey@ksde.gov.
- To be certified to administer WIDA Alternate ACCESS, Test Administrators must complete the WIDA Alternate ACCESS: Administration and Scoring training course and pass the certification quiz with an 80% or higher.
- Test Administrators are required to pass the certification quiz annually.
- Student and test management, testing software, and materials ordering tasks are completed in the DRC INSIGHT/WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS). If you do not have a WIDA AMS account, contact Chelsea Pelfrey, chelsea.pelfrey@ksde.gov.
- Manuals, Guides and Test Materials
- Kansas WIDA Alternate ACCESS Test Administrator Manual*
- Kansas WIDA Alternate ACCESS Test Coordinator Manual*
- Kansas Accessibility and Accommodations Manual*
- WIDA Alternate Proficiency Level Descriptors
- WIDA Alternate Can Do Descriptors
- Individual Characteristics Questionnaire (PDF)
- Accommodations Checklist
- Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing Sample Items
*WIDA Secure Portal account required
- Resources
- WIDA Alt ACCESS Q&A (Vimeo) / Slides (Part 1), (Part 2)
- What is WIDA Alternate Access? Available in multiple languages
- Test Administrator Essentials