Alexis Glick
State Relations Specialist
(608) 263-3730
Alexis Glick is an experienced EL educator, with a range of experiences from classroom teacher to EL Coordinator at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary Education and the Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network, Office of Bilingual Education and World Studies, at the New York State Department of Education. At the classroom level, she has taught ESL to students across the K-12 spectrum and has served as a resource to general education teachers.
Working at the state level, she has taken on a myriad of roles including managing and developing policy regarding state English Language Proficiency assessments, providing EL technical assistance to LEAs regarding state and federal policy, and developing and delivering professional development. She has lived and taught abroad in Paris, France.
Working at the state level, she has taken on a myriad of roles including managing and developing policy regarding state English Language Proficiency assessments, providing EL technical assistance to LEAs regarding state and federal policy, and developing and delivering professional development. She has lived and taught abroad in Paris, France.