WIDA Assessments

Assessments that meet your needs
WIDA offers a comprehensive suite of assessments, each built on a foundation of strong research and grounded in the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework. Testing measures student learning against a standard or goal. In the case of WIDA assessments, test results describe student performance in terms of Proficiency Level Descriptors.
In the United States
- WIDA offers the ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments to WIDA Consortium members for annual testing.
- Districts and schools may use WIDA MODEL – a flexible, on-demand interim assessment that can be used to predict student performance on ACCESS for ELLs – throughout the year.
- WIDA Screener Online is available as a benefit to Consortium members while WIDA Screener Paper is available for purchase by Consortium members.
For more information about the assessments offered within your state, territory or agency, visit your member/state page.
- When choosing the best WIDA resources for your school, consider the needs of your local context, including the purpose for testing, available technology and scheduling needs.
- WIDA Screener Paper and WIDA MODEL are available for purchase by any independent and/or international school.
WIDA assessments can be categorized into four purposes: identification, placement, progress and achievement. Some can serve more than one purpose.
Assessment Purposes
Test scores can support decisions about whether a student is an English learner (EL) and would benefit from English language support services. Identification assessments are typically given at the start of the school year or to new students.
Test scores can support decisions about placing students into appropriate classes for instruction. Scores that inform these placement decisions can come from assessments designed primarily for other purposes. Placement assessments are typically given prior to a period of instruction at any point within a school year.
Test scores can support decisions about instructional planning and show the progress students have made. In some cases, progress tests can be predictive of summative test results. Progress assessments are typically given at a set point in the school year or at the end of a period of instruction.
Test scores can be used for accountability purposes and as benchmarks against which educators can measure future performance. Scores can also be used as one of multiple measures to make reclassification decisions about whether a student can exit English language support services. Student achievement is often measured with a summative assessment that is typically given at a set point in the school year, or at the end of a period of instruction.
WIDA Assessment Suites

WIDA Screener
Purposes: Identification, Placement
- WIDA Screener Online
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member benefit) - WIDA Screener Paper
Availability: WIDA Consortium, other U.S. states/districts/schools or international schools (for purchase) - WIDA Screener for Kindergarten
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member benefit)

Purposes: Identification, Placement, Progress
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member discount), any other U.S. state/district/school or international school (for purchase) - WIDA MODEL Paper
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member discount), any other U.S. state/district/school or international school (for purchase) - WIDA MODEL for Kindergarten
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member discount), any other U.S. state/district/school or international school (for purchase)

Purposes: Placement, Progress, Achievement
- ACCESS for ELLs Online
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member benefit) - ACCESS for ELLs Paper
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member benefit) - Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member benefit) - WIDA Alternate ACCESS
Availability: WIDA Consortium (member benefit), any U.S. state (for purchase)