Narek Sahakyan
(608) 263-4827
Narék Sahakyan is a researcher in the Assessment Department at WIDA, housed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin Center for Education Research. With a background in mathematical models (BS, Yerevan, Armenia, 2002), applied economics (MS, UW-Madison, 2009), and Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (PhD, UW-Madison, 2024), Narék's research interests focus on English Learners' educational policy, assessment, measurement, and evaluation. In addition to conducting research policy and assessment, Narék co-leads the WIDA Research Subcommittee, and works with Departments of Education across WIDA states providing guidance and technical assistance to staff in State Educational Agencies on EL policy, students' ACCESS scores, testing, proficiency, and growth. Narék also provide quantitative support and statistical guidance on state, district and school accountability models and offer guidance in examining policies on EL identification, monitoring, and reclassification.