Resource Types
NOTE: If you are looking for ACCESS checklists or Identification and Placement Guidance documents, please visit your member page from the Member/State Pages dropdown.

ACCESS for ELLs: Understanding Your Child's Scores
A guide, in several languages, explaining the Individual Student Report of scores on the ACCESS for ELLs assessment
Audience: parents, guardians, those who communicate with families

What is ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS? Handouts
These handouts, in several languages, explain what ACCESS is, and why students take this kind of assessment. Use this resource to help parents understand annual language proficiency testing.
Audience: parents, guardians, those who communicate with families

ACCESS for ELLs Parent Letter
The cover letter, in several languages, that accompanies ACCESS for ELLs score reports
Audience: parents, guardians, those who communicate with families

Accommodations Checklist
Checklists for tracking the accommodations a student receives on ACCESS for ELLs and WIDA Screener assessments
Audience: test coordinators, test administrators, anyone working with students who need special accommodations

WIDA Alternate ACCESS: Understanding Your Child's Scores
A guide, in several languages, that helps parents understand their children's scores on the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs assessment
Audience: parents, guardians, those who communicate with families

Focus Bulletin
WIDA publications that explore issues in the field of multilingual learner education, including topics of interest to parents, teachers, school administrators and policymakers
Audience: everyone

Guide or Manual
English and Spanish language development standards guides, Can Do Descriptors, rubrics, test preparation and scoring-related materials
Audience: educators of multilingual learners, anyone preparing to deliver one of the WIDA assessments

Research Brief
Summaries of the latest research studies and findings on topics relevant to multilingual learner education
Audience: all educators, multilingual learner researchers, policymakers

Research or Technical Report
Scholarly reports written by WIDA researchers about issues of interest in the field of multilingual learner education
Audience: multilingual learner researchers, policymakers

WIDA Snapshots introduce topics of interest to educators and families of multilingual learners from Pre-K through grade 12
Audience: all educators

Template or Sample
- Examples of score reports
- Can Do name charts and student portraits
- Examples of activities for families
- Etc.
Audience: educators of multilingual learners

Short videos that address a variety of topics from the Can Do Philosophy to understanding the WIDA MODEL interim assessment
Audience: educators of multilingual learners, family members

Working Paper
Publications that share ideas or preliminary research about topics that are currently being studied by WIDA researchers
Audience: educators of multilingual learners, researchers, policymakers