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… delivered the keynote address. during his speech, he talked about his experience as a refugee in america. viet’s keynote … just as literacy, we’re doing multilingual learners a disservice. introduce new language within the context of new … the field: implementing the wida eld standards framework news article. save the date! the 2022 wida annual conference …
… angie barrera gonzalez smiling with her dog, mochi. september 10, 2024 meet angie barrera gonzalez! angie will be a senior in high school this year and is the co-founder, … school summer intern at wida. in this article, she tells us about herself, her dreams and her work at wida. hannah …
… work in howard county maryland, a wealthy suburban district about a half hour drive from both washington, d.c. and … a computer-to-student ratio of 1:2 and many student support services. nestled in this affluence is deep run elementary … use a computer. we have helped them use google to find the newspaper from their hometowns or zoom in on google earth. …
… ver descargar ahora este documento ayuda a los padres y a las familias a comprender la prueba de wida access for ells …
… is my add-on license, and i just found this esl job. it was serendipitous. describe your class, school, and district. please tell me a little about its location, size, and the composition of the student … to help our spanish-speaking families. we send home newsletters with resources, dates, and information they can …
offices) with merideth trahan, wida chief of staff, to talk about the legacy of their friend and colleague troy dassler. … with me. merideth: if troy was presenting to a group of pre-service teachers, what are some of the key points he’d share … with tim, wida founder and director is a monthly wida news article that features a conversation between wida …
… ver descargar ahora actividades para iniciar conversaciones con los niños sobre su familia, lo que les gusta jugar, cómo se sienten, qué sonidos escuchan en su hogar o comunidad, al igual que el clima.   participación familiar …
… eva gonzalez heredia february 14, 2024 lea este artículo en … , formerly known as conversations with tim , is an article series that seeks to bring educators to the table to discuss … : thank you so much. tim : to begin, i’d like to learn about your work and your experiences in supporting bilingual …
on educators’ already busy to-do lists. instead, learning about the 2020 edition and how to reflect its components in … district or school instructional vision. the big ideas can serve as a springboard to discuss what high-quality, … standards framework resources, tools and services use the  news sign up form  to manage email preferences and select …
of wisconsin–madison. use this article to learn more about the transition, the mlrc school network, and … and international schools using wida resources to serve multilingual learners. wida’s international team built … learn more about this transition by visiting our recent news article announcing the new center . what is wida’s …