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… page is thinking about how to best support families: “parents already have so many demands right now during this … are trying to homeschool. i want to make it super easy, and parents can realize ‘oh, i can do that.’” page’s belief that … that literacy can be promoted when using an aac device. parents may want to consider shared reading, which is a …
… to support the exchange of information between children, parents and professionals in a safe and meaningful way. … is important to note that a social story can be created by parents, caregivers, teachers or any other professional that …
… administrators, el teachers, general education teachers, parents and students. we can help you solve your state's … administrators, EL teachers, general education teachers, parents and students. We can help you solve your state's …
… (2020). young multilingual children in maryland: exploring parent perceptions of children’s language development, …