WIDA Early Years eLearning has moved!

October 1, 2021

WIDA Early Years eLearning courses, formerly referred to as modules, have moved to the WIDA Secure Portal, a members-only hub for WIDA professional learning courses and resources. Learn more below about WIDA Early Years eLearning, what changed, and how to create a WIDA Secure Portal account.

What is WIDA Early Years eLearning?

  • WIDA Early Years eLearning provides free, online professional learning courses to early care and education (ECE) professionals in WIDA Early Years member states. These online professional learning resources focus on supporting young multilingual children in ECE settings.
  • WIDA Early Years eLearning is intended for ECE professionals, teachers, teacher educators, coaches, trainers and leaders/administrators.

What changed?

  • WIDA Early Years eLearning courses have moved from Moodle to Canvas, an easy-to-use Learning Management System (LMS) that is housed in the WIDA Secure Portal.
  • WIDA Early Years members can access eLearning courses via the newly redesigned WIDA Secure Portal. The redesigned portal looks and feels like the main WIDA website with professional learning and resources available to users.
  • Existing eLearning courses have been migrated to the new LMS.
  • Users have access to one new eLearning offering called Introduction to Making Connections: Using Early Learning and Development Standards and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children. This new offering introduces users to the new Making Connections documents published for all WIDA Early Years member states.

How do I create a WIDA Secure Portal account?

  • WIDA Early Years member states will provide a link to ECE professionals in their state that allows users to set up a WIDA Secure Portal account and access WIDA Early Years eLearning offerings. Questions about account creation can be directed to your Early Years member state representative.
  • Current Moodle user accounts will not automatically be migrated to the WIDA Secure Portal, so users will need to create new accounts in the WIDA Secure Portal.

How do I log in to the WIDA Secure Portal and find eLearning content and resources?

Log in to the WIDA Secure Portal from the login page (you will return to this login page each time you wish to visit the WIDA Secure Portal). From the portal home page, you have the option to select

  • Professional Learning to find WIDA Early Years eLearning courses.
  • Resources to find and filter documents and secure resources.

How do I view my profile and course history?

  • Use My Profile (the blue button in the upper right corner of the portal) to view and update your account information — including your email/username and your password, and to view the NDUA.
  • Use My Profile to see your past training history: each course you completed, the date you completed it and a link to view and download the certificate for that course.

Can users earn certificates of completion?

Yes! Each self-paced, online course concludes with a brief quiz. Users must pass the quiz in order to obtain a certificate of completion. Users may take the quiz more than once if needed. Users can save or print a copy of their certificate for their own records.

Who can I contact for help?

  • Use the Get Help page, which includes an orientation video, to learn more about using the portal. This is a great place to start!
  • If you encounter any technical issues, or have trouble creating your account or registering, please contact EarlyYears@wida.us or call the WIDA Client Services Center at 866-276-7735.


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