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Making Science Multilingual: Supporting Equity Through Design Principles
Marco DALE Digital Explorer
WIDA Webinar recording: Guideposts for Reading Instruction with Multilingual Learners

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Creating a Reader Portrait

A reader portrait is a chance to reflect on what you understand about a student’s reading and what you could learn more about. Use this activity to connect what you already know, questions you have, English language development (ELD) data in all domains, and what you know about the student’s home language(s).

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Curricular Considerations: Introduction to Collaborating Around the 2020 Edition

The WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition brings new practical ways for all educators working with multilingual learners to conceptualize the development of content and language together through asset-based, equitable, and rigorous approaches in curricular design. This session will encourage participants to think about what collaboration looks like in these contexts.

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Desarrollando el español: Guiding bilingual instructional planning with Marco DALE

This webinar dives into the components of the Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA (Marco DALE) and explores how they can support educator's planning processes.

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Design Principles for Engaging Multilingual Learners in Three-Dimensional Science

WIDA and the National Science Teaching Association formed Making Science Multilingual to support equitable and inclusive forms of science instruction through which all students, but especially multilingual learners, can learn science and language simultaneously. To guide this work, the Making Science Multilingual team devised eight design principles to define the integration of contemporary three-dimensional science and language-in-use pedagogies. These principles will guide educator resource development at both organizations and facilitate critical examination of how well educator resources support inclusion of multilingual learners in rigorous science learning.

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Detection of Multiple Group Differential Item Functioning for Students with Disabilities of the Alternate ACCESS Field Tests in 2023

This report describe how WIDA applied Differential Item Functioning analysis among multiple disability groups of our Alternate ACCESS Field Test items in 2023.

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Developing Oral Language Comprehension

Many literacy programs were not designed to effectively use multilingual students’ knowledge, skills, and strengths. This Snapshot is the second in a five-part series that provides insights from relevant research and suggests ways to engage the significant strengths that multilingual learners bring to their literacy development. 

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Developing Reading Comprehension and Academic Literacies

Many literacy programs were not designed to effectively use multilingual students’ knowledge, skills, and strengths. This Snapshot is the fourth in a five-part series that provides insights from relevant research and suggests ways to engage the significant strengths that multilingual learners bring to their literacy development. 

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Development of a New WIDA Writing Scoring Rubric for Grades 1-12

This report details the development of a new scoring rubric grounded in the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. This new rubric will be used for scoring responses to the writing tasks on WIDA ACCESS Online and WIDA ACCESS Paper in 2025-26, and the future revised WIDA Screener Online and WIDA Screener Paper.

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District Level Analysis of ELL Growth

This research project explored the patterns of district-level ELL “growth” for the 2007-2011 time period and identified the existence of “high-flying” and “low-cruising” districts within ACCESS for ELLs in terms of ELL growth.

Published May 2013
Author: Narek Sahakyan


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Educación en el mundo actual

Este boletín de enfoque ofrece estrategias para avanzar la equidad en los programas bilingües en el mundo actual de COVID-19. Se da énfasis a la importancia de la diversidad lingüística y cultural, el translenguaje y recursos tecnológicos para la equidad.

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Educación en el mundo actual

This Focus Bulletin offers strategies for advancing equity in bilingual settings during the mundo actual of COVID-19. The bulletin emphasizes the importance of valuing multilingual learners’ linguistic and cultural diversity, using translanguaging, and leveraging technological resources.

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Published August 2020
Authors: Sam Aguirre, Erika Rosales

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Educational Justice Through Policy

In this Focus Bulletin, WIDA revisits landmark legislation and policies that shaped language education in the U.S. It presents unintended consequences on programming and instruction of bi/multilingual students; showcases how field practitioners address language policy and its consequences; and includes tools for reflection, collaboration, professional learning and community engagement.

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Published November 2022
Author: Mariana Castro

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El translenguaje: Enseñando en la intersección del lenguaje y la justicia social

Este boletín de enfoque explora el translenguaje desde la perspectiva de cuatro educadores, y abarca el contexto de kínder hasta el 12º grado. El translenguaje, lo cual es una práctica común entre las personas multilingües, se define como el uso de todos los lenguajes y sus variedades disponibles para comunicarnos y comprender el mundo que nos rodea. El boletín proporciona ideas específicas sobre cómo usar el translenguaje para crear espacios para el multilingüismo de los estudiantes e incluye preguntas de reflexión para apoyar a los educadores en su aplicación de estrategias de translenguaje en su práctica.

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ELD Essentials

This flyer shows how WIDA English language development resources fit together. This resource is intended to serve as an entry point for teachers, administrators, state staff, etc. who are new to WIDA’s ELD system of support.

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Embedding the Can Do Cycle Throughout the School Year

This Focus Bulletin reframes the WIDA Can Do Philosophy as a can do cycle of actions that can be embedded into teaching and learning experiences throughout the entire school year. In it, we offer resource banks of questions that can be used to elicit student assets and reflect on ways to build on student assets at the beginning of each unit, during each unit, and at the end of each unit.

Published April 2022
Authors: Maya Martinez-Hart, Christina Nelson

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Engaging with Families of Young Multilingual Children

This WIDA Snapshot is grounded in WIDA’s ABCs of Family Engagement and can be used to initiate reflection and conversation on local efforts to engage with families of multilingual children.

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English Language Arts

The purpose of this WIDA Focus Bulletin is to provide guidance to teachers of English language arts (ELA) who are implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and working to respond to the specific needs of ELLs. In their treatment of academic language (or the language of school), the CCSS represent a departure from existing content standards.

Published November 2013
Authors: Daniella Molle, Mariana Castro, Julia Cortada, Leslie Grimm

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English Language Proficiency Standards Grade 6 Through Grade 12, 2007 Edition

The 2007 ELP Standards for grades 6-12 reflected the social and academic dimensions of acquiring a second language that were expected of ELLs in grades 6-12 attending schools in the United States. Each ELP standard addressed a specific context for English language development.

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English Language Proficiency Standards PreKindergarten Through Grade 5, 2007 Edition

The 2007 ELP Standards for grades PreK-5 reflected the social and academic dimensions of acquiring a second language that were expected of ELLs in grades PreK-5 attending schools in the United States. Each ELP standard addressed a specific context for English language development.

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English Learner Identification of Kindergarten Learners

This study examines decision makers, criteria and procedures of kindergarten English learner identification within a U.S. state, in view of WIDA Screener for Kindergarten.

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