Scheduled Workshops and Webinars

WIDA offers in-person workshops and online webinars throughout the year. Individuals and groups pay a registration fee to attend these events on a variety of instruction-oriented topics.

Scaffolding Learning Through Language Webinar Series

Multiple dates - Read more for upcoming dates and times.

This webinar series provides educators with a fresh look at how to engage multilingual learners in rigorous content area learning with a balance of challenge and support. The purpose of the workshop is to encourage educators to consider classroom practices that move multilingual learning forward and upward together within the content of meaningful experiences where learning is mediated through language.

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Planning with the WIDA ELD Standards Framework Facilitated eWorkshop

Multiple dates - Read more for upcoming dates and times.

This eWorkshop is designed for educators and leaders who are responsible for language development within content learning and implementation of the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework. Participants will receive resources for using the WIDA ELD Standards Framework in instructional planning. Teams are strongly encouraged to attend the webinars together. This eWorkshop will assist educators in using the framework to identify and support language students will use to engage in content learning. Participants will explore how the framework can support collaborative instructional planning.

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Teaching in Spanish: Explorando identidades

Multiple dates - Read more for upcoming dates and times.


This facilitated virtual workshop uses an interactive and hands-on approach to analyze the importance of valuing the diversity of Spanish in bi/multilingual learning spaces. Via engaging examples, participants will explore the Marco de referencia de las artes del lenguaje del español de WIDA (Marco ALE).

Specifically, the workshop will focus on the importance of respecting and highlighting the diversity of Spanish via its intentional and effective planning and teaching. We will also consider equity and the empowerment of educators and students in the teaching and learning of Spanish.

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Teaching in Spanish: El Marco ALE en acción

Multiple dates - Read more for upcoming dates and times.

This virtual workshop uses an interactive and practical approach to connect the theoretical and pedagogical practices of teaching Spanish language arts. Through interactive examples, participants will explore the application of the WIDA Spanish Language Arts Framework (ALE Framework).

Specifically, the workshop will focus on the importance of using all three strands of the ALE Framework at the same time for intentional and effective planning of Spanish language arts units and lessons. Emphasis will also be placed on opportunities to use translanguage in bi/multilingual educational spaces.

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