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Using ACCESS for ELLs to Promote Beneficial Outcomes for English Learners Video

This video provides a breakdown of the role school/district-level educators, state-level administrators and WIDA play in using or developing ACCESS test scores, interpreting scores and making decisions based on scores to best serve English learners. Share this video with colleagues so that everyone who supports English learners understands what it takes to get positive and intended outcomes for their students. Resource Details

Validating a new writing scoring scale using multi-faceted Rasch analyses

This Technical Report describes a validation study of the newly developed WIDA ACCESS writing scoring scale by examining its feasibility in differentiating student ability and practical scoring use. TR-2024-1.

Published: April 2024
Author: Ping-Lin Chuang
Additional authors: Mark Chapman, Kyoungwon Bishop, Ahyoung Alicia Kim

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What Is ACCESS for ELLs? (multiple languages)

Send this handout, available in multiple languages, home with students as an introduction to ACCESS when testing is scheduled or as a reminder before scores are shared. This flyer explains what ACCESS is and why student take this kind of assessment. Use this resource to help parents understand annual language proficiency testing.

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WIDA Speaking Rubric Grades 1-12

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA Speaking Rubric to understand the scores students earn on ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Speaking Scoring Scale Grades 1-12

Scoring scales isolate key language features described in interpretive rubrics to help local test administrators and centralized raters assign scores to speaking and writing samples. The WIDA Speaking Scoring Scale is developed from the WIDA Speaking Rubric and is used only to score responses to ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener test items.

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WIDA Writing Rubric Grades 1-12

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA Writing Rubric to understand the scores students earn on ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Writing Scoring Scale Grades 1-12

Scoring scales isolate key language features described in interpretive rubrics to help local test administrators and centralized raters assign scores to speaking and writing samples. The WIDA Writing Scoring Scale is developed from the WIDA Writing Rubric and is used only to score responses to ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener test items.

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