This Focus Bulletin centers on P.H. Miller School/Plano Early Learning to show how educators, families and community members collaborate to promote equitable transitions for multilingual children in grades PreK-3. It provides reflections and advice from educators.
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Andy Mizell plans engaging instruction that scaffolds learning for the wide range of English proficiency levels in his middle school ELL class. He begins by assessing his students and collaborating with other teachers to extend his academic language instruction across subject areas.
Resource DetailsThis WIDA Snapshot introduces classroom action research – when researchers and educators work together to address classroom challenges – by encouraging teachers to use their researcher voices to make meaningful contributions to the field, whether through collaborative or independent approaches.
Resource DetailsThe Are We Ready? Districts and Programs Collaboration Guide is for PreK-3 district and program leaders to use for reflection and planning connected to leading equitable transitions for multilingual children and their families. Use the Are We Ready? Districts and Programs Notetaker to write down your own ideas and transition plans.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowThe Are We Ready? Educators Collaboration Guide is for PreK-3 educators to use for reflection and planning connected to promoting and providing equitable transitions for multilingual children and their families. Use the Are We Ready? Educators Notetaker to write down your own ideas and transition plans.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowThe Are We Ready? Schools and Programs Collaboration Guide is for PreK-3 school and program leaders to use for reflection and planning connected to leading equitable transitions for multilingual children and their families. Use the Are We Ready? Schools and Programs Notetaker to write down your own ideas and transition plans.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowMany literacy programs were not designed to effectively use multilingual students’ knowledge, skills, and strengths. This Snapshot is the first in a five-part series that provides insights from relevant research and suggests ways to engage the significant strengths that multilingual learners bring to their literacy development.
Resource DetailsA home and community literacy mapping activity supports students to see the literacy in their daily lives and enables the teacher to learn about their students’ literacy assets. Use this resource to plan a literacy mapping activity with your students.
Resource Details View Download NowThe WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition brings new practical ways for all educators working with multilingual learners to conceptualize the development of content and language together through asset-based, equitable, and rigorous approaches in curricular design. This session will encourage participants to think about what collaboration looks like in these contexts.
Resource DetailsMany literacy programs were not designed to effectively use multilingual students’ knowledge, skills, and strengths. This Snapshot is the second in a five-part series that provides insights from relevant research and suggests ways to engage the significant strengths that multilingual learners bring to their literacy development.
Resource DetailsThis Focus Bulletin reframes the WIDA Can Do Philosophy as a can do cycle of actions that can be embedded into teaching and learning experiences throughout the entire school year. In it, we offer resource banks of questions that can be used to elicit student assets and reflect on ways to build on student assets at the beginning of each unit, during each unit, and at the end of each unit.
Published April 2022
Authors: Maya Martinez-Hart, Christina Nelson
WIDA Video Contest Winner
Mindy Lewis-Hitch develops a grade-level, standards-based unit and provides her ninth graders with clear modeling and guided practice using game-type activities for Romeo and Juliet. Mindy also demonstrates working with colleagues to help raise awareness of scaffolding lessons so all learners can be engaged.
Resource DetailsMany literacy programs were not designed to effectively use multilingual students’ knowledge, skills, and strengths. This Snapshot is the third in a five-part series that provides insights from relevant research and suggests ways to engage the significant strengths that multilingual learners bring to their literacy development.
Resource DetailsThis WIDA Snapshot focuses on how you can gather information and reflect on the language and cultural goals families have for their children.
Resource DetailsIndividual Characteristics Questionnaire (ICQ), which is part of WIDA Alternate ACCESS, captures characteristics of students who take Alternate ACCESS. Test Administrators will fill out the ICQ for each student and that information will be reported on the Individual Student Report. ICQ information can help educator teams make program decisions for students. Prior to administering Alternate ACCESS, download and print this example ICQ and use it to consult with Individual Education Plan (IEP) team members about students. Final responses will be entered on the Student Response Booklet.
Small changes were made to the ICQ from 2023-24 to 2024-25.
Resource DetailsThis paper examine how 18 K–12 educators from 13 states and 12 parents from two states interpret and use score reports from the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs. Educators frequently referred to the proficiency level index of the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and the composite domains to interpret student performance, to make school-level decisions about programming and lesson planning, and to inform district-level budgeting and professional development. Parents found the score report to be helpful, but rarely took additional actions to use its information.
Resource DetailsWIDA builds the foundations of success one classroom at a time. We know what multilingual students and their educators can do! We continually establish the industry’s best practices, support student advocacy and offer second to none professional development opportunities for teachers. Watch how we work!
Resource DetailsThis WIDA Screener for Kindergarten eSummit session recording provides an in depth look at the test.
Resource DetailsMembers of the WIDA standards development team share a high-level overview of what’s new and exciting in the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. Intended for SEA representatives, district leaders, and EL and content teachers.
Resource DetailsOne of the components of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework is the Key Language Uses (KLUs). The KLUs summarize the most prominent language uses across disciplines, helping educators organize and prioritize curriculum and instruction. Learn about the updated KLUs – Inform, Narrate, Explain and Argue.
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