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Can Do Philosophy (Video)

This video provides an overview of the WIDA Can Do Philosophy – the foundational belief that every learner brings valuable contributions to everything they do.

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Development of a New WIDA Writing Scoring Rubric for Grades 1-12

This report details the development of a new scoring rubric grounded in the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. This new rubric will be used for scoring responses to the writing tasks on WIDA ACCESS Online and WIDA ACCESS Paper in 2025-26, and the future revised WIDA Screener Online and WIDA Screener Paper.

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Introduction to the 2020 Edition

Members of the WIDA standards development team share a high-level overview of what’s new and exciting in the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. Intended for SEA representatives, district leaders, and EL and content teachers.

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Introduction to the Updated Key Language Uses

One of the components of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework is the Key Language Uses (KLUs). The KLUs summarize the most prominent language uses across disciplines, helping educators organize and prioritize curriculum and instruction. Learn about the updated KLUs – Inform, Narrate, Explain and Argue.

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Performance of Technology-Enhanced Items in Grades 1–12 English Language Proficiency Assessments

Technology-enhanced items (TEIs) are innovative, computer-delivered test items that are more authentic and interactive than traditional multiple-choice items (MCIs). This study examines the performance of grades 1–12 English learners on TEIs compared to MCIs on the reading domain of ACCESS for ELLs Online.

Published December 2020 
Authors: Ahyoung Alicia Kim, Rurik L. Tywoniw, Mark Chapman

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Putting It All Together: Next Steps for Using the 2020 Edition

In this webinar, the WIDA standards development team discusses and models the tools, provided in the 2020 Edition, for initiating critical conversations with school leaders and colleagues.

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WIDA MODEL Speaking Rubric

Rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA MODEL Speaking Rubric to understand the scores students earn on the assessment, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning. WIDA MODEL test administrators use the WIDA MODEL Speaking Rubric to score the Speaking domain test for WIDA MODEL Online, WIDA MODEL Paper and WIDA MODEL for Kindergarten.

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WIDA MODEL Writing Rubric Grades 1-12

Rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA MODEL Writing Rubric to understand the scores students earn on the assessment, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning. WIDA MODEL test administrators use the WIDA MODEL Writing Rubric to assign a Writing Final score for WIDA MODEL Paper and WIDA MODEL Online.

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WIDA Speaking Rubric Grades 1-12

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA Speaking Rubric to understand the scores students earn on ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Speaking Rubric Kindergarten

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use rubrics to understand the scores students earn on WIDA assessments, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Speaking Scoring Scale Grades 1-12

Scoring scales isolate key language features described in interpretive rubrics to help local test administrators and centralized raters assign scores to speaking and writing samples. The WIDA Speaking Scoring Scale is developed from the WIDA Speaking Rubric and is used only to score responses to ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener test items.

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WIDA Writing Rubric Grades 1-12

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA Writing Rubric to understand the scores students earn on ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Writing Rubric Pre-K-Kindergarten

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use rubrics to understand the scores students earn on WIDA assessments, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Writing Scoring Scale Grades 1-12

Scoring scales isolate key language features described in interpretive rubrics to help local test administrators and centralized raters assign scores to speaking and writing samples. The WIDA Writing Scoring Scale is developed from the WIDA Writing Rubric and is used only to score responses to ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener test items.

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