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What Is WIDA Alternate ACCESS?
What Is ACCESS for ELLs?
Focus Bulletin: Oral Language in the Classroom

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WIDA Screener for Kindergarten Proficiency Level Descriptors

This guide illustrates a continuum of language development for multilingual Kindergarten learners and describes what they can do across six levels of English language proficiency

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WIDA Screener Interpretive Guide for Score Reports

The aim of this interpretive guide is to help educators and families better understand the scores reported for WIDA Screener Online, WIDA Screener Paper, and WIDA Screener for Kindergarten.

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WIDA Screener Online Accommodations Checklist

A checklist for tracking the accommodations a student receives on WIDA Screener Online.

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WIDA Screener Paper Accommodations Checklist

A checklist for tracking the accommodations a student receives on WIDA Screener Paper.

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WIDA Spanish Language Development Standards, 2013 Edition

The WIDA Spanish Language Development (SLD) Standards, Kindergarten – Grade 12, 2013 Edition is a resource for planning and implementing language instruction and assessment for emergent bilinguals who are learning academic content in Spanish. This publication will also offer information on where the WIDA SLD Standards fit within the larger WIDA system for instruction and assessment and how to use the SLD standards to have a broader understanding of the linguistic profile of students.

Vea y descargue en español.

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WIDA Speaking Rubric Grades 1-12

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA Speaking Rubric to understand the scores students earn on ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Speaking Rubric Kindergarten

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use rubrics to understand the scores students earn on WIDA assessments, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Speaking Scoring Scale Grades 1-12

Scoring scales isolate key language features described in interpretive rubrics to help local test administrators and centralized raters assign scores to speaking and writing samples. The WIDA Speaking Scoring Scale is developed from the WIDA Speaking Rubric and is used only to score responses to ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener test items.

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WIDA Writing Rubric Grades 1-12

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use the WIDA Writing Rubric to understand the scores students earn on ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Writing Rubric Pre-K-Kindergarten

Interpretive rubrics are analytic scales that describe various aspects of spoken and written language to help educators recognize what speaking and writing sound and look like at various levels of English language proficiency. Use rubrics to understand the scores students earn on WIDA assessments, analyze student performance in the classroom, and plan ways to scaffold language learning.

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WIDA Writing Scoring Scale Grades 1-12

Scoring scales isolate key language features described in interpretive rubrics to help local test administrators and centralized raters assign scores to speaking and writing samples. The WIDA Writing Scoring Scale is developed from the WIDA Writing Rubric and is used only to score responses to ACCESS for ELLs (Online and Paper) and WIDA Screener test items.

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Words for Science Learning: Which Words and When?

​When educators think of language instruction in science, the traditional practice of pre-teaching vocabulary comes to mind. This Focus Bulletin builds on new research and offers resources for embedding vocabulary instruction into students’ participation in the science and engineering practices.

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Young Multilingual Children in Maryland

In this study, completed for the Maryland State Department of Education, we explore the perceptions, experiences and decision-making of 27 parents of young multilingual children, ages birth to 5 years. The focus revolves around children’s language learning and development, family engagement practices and children’s participation in early care and education (ECE) programs.

Published 2020

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Young Multilingual Children in Minnesota

In this study, completed for the Minnesota Department of Education, we explore the perceptions, experiences and decision-making of 15 parents of young multilingual children, ages birth to 5 years. The focus revolves around children’s language learning and development, family engagement practices and children’s participation in early care and education (ECE) programs.

Published 2020

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Young Multilingual Children in Pennsylvania

In this study, completed for the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning, we explore the perceptions, experiences and decision-making of 13 parents of young multilingual children, ages birth to 5 years. The focus revolves around children’s language learning and development, family engagement practices and children’s participation in early care and education (ECE) programs.

Published 2020

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¿Qué es ACCESS for ELLs?

Envíe este folleto de introducción a ACCESS for ELLs en español con los estudiantes cuando la prueba esté programada o como un recordatorio para los padres antes de que se le compartan las puntuaciones. Este folleto explica qué es ACCESS y por qué los estudiantes son evaluados de esta manera. Utilice este recurso para ayudar a los padres a comprender las pruebas anuales de competencia lingüística.

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¿Qué es la evaluación lingüística?

Use este folleto en los centros de ingreso o durante las conferencias con padres para explicar el proceso de evaluación de estudiantes e identificación como ELL (por sus siglas en inglés). Este folleto explica la evaluación del lenguaje en términos generales. También use este folleto en español para ayudar a los padres a comprender tanto la evaluación inicial, al igual que las evaluaciones anuales de competencia lingüística.

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