… states’ schools when president george w. bush signs the no child left behind act (nclb) into law. and out of that, the … administered. around the country, educators lacked the resources and guidance they needed to serve multilingual … grants were offering $2 million. “and i'm sitting there at my desk thinking gary told me i need $3 million. i wonder if …
… through a list of what’s new with wida screener, access for ells and wida model. we’ll highlight a resource you may have … with disabilities: a glossary of terms . this glossary demystifies the terms, acronyms and jargon that are used by … during the 2024-25 school year, we’ll release videos and resources to help you get ready for the revised assessment. …
… in a happy mood, she has snacks for us, she helps me with my schoolwork. if i have any questions, she helps me with … madison? jovita : i grew up in madison and spent most of my childhood and my adult life living in madison. my mother is … becoming deaf in middle school or high school. can you tell me more about your background and why you chose to …
… bilingual, spanish-immersion and english-immersion k-12 language programs bilingual, spanish-immersion and … statements during instruction. educators and early childhood practitioners can use the can do descriptors to … and classroom assessment for language interpret access for ells test scores can do descriptors and the wida eld …
… where he received an award from the debate team. september 21, 2020 from a very young age daniel salgado-alvarez, a 2020 … until now, they had to pay non-resident fees to access the resources available at the local public library. since … of her sons have access to the books they want to read, as well as those they need for school. “como no teníamos acceso …
… number of multilingual/multilingual-oriented educators in my state (in addition to celebrating wisconsin’s rich … their language skills for a career in education as well as their routes to certification. a spotlights section … speakers across the state, brief histories, and additional resources for further exploration. the laws and rights page …
… for a year at least, but that fell through, so i found myself looking for a job in durham. i knew i wanted to work with young children, so elementary was the path. my primary teaching … spanish-speaking families. we send home newsletters with resources, dates, and information they can use at home to …
… illustration of students saying hello in a variety of languages february 16, 2022 the wida illustrated guiding principles of language … backgrounds contribute to the vibrancy of our early childhood programs and k-12 schools. the translated versions …
… while i’ve taught adult and secondary students, most of my time has been spent at the elementary level. since … our efforts to removing these barriers so that all children can access high-quality and equitable teaching and … food and housing insecurity, considering health and dental resources and resources for multilingual therapy. joe : we …
… group of kids smiling august 13, 2021 lea este artículo en español as preparations take … and linguistic assets in their educational experience? in my role as an educator, in what ways am i supporting and … innovation in their return to the building: what tools and resources has my team used during distance learning that can …