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WIDA's Featured Educator is a bi-monthly feature article that highlights classroom, district, or state-level educators who are making a difference in the lives of multilingual learners. Nominate an outstanding colleague today!

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Apoyando los estudiantes bi/multilingües este año escolar

August 13, 2021

Este artículo del equipo de WIDA Español presenta la perspectiva de una estudiante del duodécimo grado en la exploración de los valores y la filosofía de valorización de WIDA.

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August 2021 Featured Educator: Kifah Soheil

August 5, 2021

Kifah Soheil is an English language/bilingual elementary teacher at Ridge Central School in Chicago Ridge, Illinois. Kifah has been at Ridge Central School for 12 years.

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Conversations with Tim: ‘The School I Deserve’

August 5, 2021

In this edition of Conversations with Tim, Tim talks to Jo Napolitano, a veteran journalist. Together, they talk about Jo’s new book, “The School I Deserve: Six Young Refugees and Their Fight for Equality in America.”

Listening option: If you want to listen to Conversations with Tim while walking the dog or driving, now you can!

Listen to the audio here or click “Read more” to continue reading.

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Six criteria for choosing an effective interim English language proficiency assessment

August 5, 2021

The true value of an interim English language proficiency assessment is the real-time measure of student progress. With several options available, choosing an interim assessment can be challenging. Educators, school leaders, and district leaders can make an informed decision by using researched-based interim assessment adoption criteria.

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WIDA Early Years eLearning is on the move!

August 5, 2021

WIDA Early Years eLearning is moving into the WIDA Secure Portal, a members-only hub for WIDA professional learning courses and resources, on October 1, 2021. Learn more about WIDA Early Years eLearning, what’s changing, and what you can do to get ready.

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WIDA Early Years releases Making Connections

August 4, 2021

The WIDA Early Years team has released a new resource designed for early childhood educators who are interested in learning more about adopting a language-focused approach to their instructional planning.

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Leading: Promoting equity for multilingual children and their families

August 4, 2021

WIDA Early Years continues the conversation around promoting equity for multilingual children and their families with a focus on leading for equity. Two leaders from Michigan share their insights.

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WIDA Voices from the Field: Implementing the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, strategic ideas for district and school leaders

August 4, 2021

In the first article of the new series Voices from the Field, guest author Ely Sena-Martin presents concrete ideas for how administrators can begin planning for implementation of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework in a strategic way that promotes successful cross-team collaboration amongst their educators.

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July 2021 Featured Educator: Maja Flom 

July 8, 2021

Maja Flom is the director of the English as an Additional Language (EAL) program at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The American School of Lima, in Lima, Peru. She has been in the education profession for 17 years and has taught EAL for 10 years.

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Instrucción en español: Las prácticas de la disciplina del Marco ALE

July 7, 2021

Este artículo de WIDA Español presenta dos prácticas de la disciplina del Marco ALE con ejemplos e ideas para su uso en el salón de clases.

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