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Collaboration: Working Together to Serve Multilingual Learners
Comic strip: What can collaboration look like with the WIDA ELD Standards Framework
WIDA Webinar recording: ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS?

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ACCESS for ELLs Parent Letters (multiple languages)

This letter, available in many languages, contains general information about ACCESS for ELLs and is meant to accompany ACCESS for ELLs score reports as an explanation for parents and guardians. It is provided in an editable format to allow districts and schools to include additional information regarding test administration dates and state policy.


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ACCESS for ELLs: Understanding Your Child's Scores (multiple languages)

Send this flyer home with students along with the ACCESS for ELLs Individual Student Report. This flyer explains each piece of score information included in the report. Use this guide, available in several languages, to help parents understand what scores mean and how they are used.

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What Is ACCESS for ELLs? (multiple languages)

Send this handout, available in multiple languages, home with students as an introduction to ACCESS when testing is scheduled or as a reminder before scores are shared. This flyer explains what ACCESS is and why student take this kind of assessment. Use this resource to help parents understand annual language proficiency testing.

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What Is WIDA Alternate ACCESS? (multiple languages)

This handout, available in multiple languages, is a resource that educators can send home with students to give families an introduction to WIDA Alternate ACCESS. The handout explains what WIDA Alternate ACCESS is and why students take this kind of assessment.

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WIDA Alternate ACCESS: Understanding Your Child's Scores (multiple languages)

Send this flyer home with students along with the Alternate ACCESS Individual Student Report for Families. This flyer explains each piece of score information included in the report for families. Use this guide, available in multiple languages, to help parents/guardians understand what scores mean and how they are used.

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