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… about 550 students. we are really diverse and have over 30 languages represented among our el students, with the … school. we provided food and translators, and we brought in resources that families can use at home in any language. we encouraged them to maintain their home language
… workshop, learn to elevate the diverse perspectives and resources that multilingual newcomers bring, creating … student voices to incorporate cultural practices and home languages. challenge biases and assumptions. build … workshop, learn to elevate the diverse perspectives and resources that multilingual newcomers bring, creating …
… you are teaching in the classroom brand-new, easy-to-use language charts that help tie access scores to classroom assessment revamped score report resources for educators, students and families timeline fall … linguistics (cal) host and facilitate the event. video resources watch revising access: the impact of the standards …
… option was a collaborative art project. joy pfeiffer, human resources specialist at wida, was involved from the early … the students throughout the mural represent community and language learning in its many forms—from reading, to … reflects the foundational belief that everyone has valuable resources they can use to support their own and others’ …
… and wida screener (for grades 1-12) to identify english language learners (ells). access for ells is given to all … printed reports received in districts requirements and resources see below for state-specific information and resources related to ell assessment, including your state’s …
… didn’t know what i wanted to do, so i found myself at a language school in south korea for three years. i liked it … all over the world and have between 70 and 80 different languages. it’s an international baccalaureate (ib) … their language development. do you find you have enough resources from wida to do this? i really do. once the …
… and synchronous events and provided feedback on new wida resources before they were made available to the public. … is a reminder to constantly reflect upon my own practices, language, and how i might approach others on their learning … that policies and practices are contextual and can be temporal, but they remain aligned to key principles and are …
… humble way to arrive in a country where you don't speak the language and you know nobody. but that's the situation in … need to learn how to serve these children because it's our moral responsibility and we reap enormous benefits when we do … very closely. we’re all about helping teachers have the resources that they need to do a better job of educating …
… education of multilingual learners. his background includes language education, educational policy, curriculum, and spanish language and literature. as senior pi, tim is responsible … can further develop language standards, assessments and resources to meet the needs of the field. tim's research …
… and wida screener (for grades 1-12) to identify english language learners. access for ells is given to all ells … alternate access data posted in wida ams requirements and resources see below for state-specific information and resources related to ell assessment, including your state’s …