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Making Science Multilingual: Supporting Equity Through Design Principles
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WIDA Webinar recording: Guideposts for Reading Instruction with Multilingual Learners

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Family Connections Through Home Languages

This flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Arabic)

This Arabic-language flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Dari)

This flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Korean)

This Korean-language flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Pashto)

This flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Simplified Chinese)

This Simplified Chinese-language flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Spanish)

This Spanish language flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Family Connections Through Home Languages (Ukrainian)

This Ukrainian-language flyer provides educators with information on how home languages play an important role in maintaining communication and relationships with family.​

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Folleto de la prueba ACCESS for ELLs para padres

Este documento ayuda a los padres y a las familias a comprender la prueba de WIDA ACCESS for ELLs y sus componentes.

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Folleto de la prueba Alternate ACCESS para padres

Alternate ACCESS es una evaluación de dominio del idioma inglés para los estudiantes en los grados 1-12. La prueba se administra todos los años para ayudar a los distritos escolares a monitorear el desarrollo del idioma inglés de los estudiantes identificados como estudiantes del idioma inglés que tienen discapacidades cognitivas significativas.

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Fondos de pantalla digital de WIDA

¡Descargue los “fondos de pantalla WIDA” para alegrar su día! Los cinco diseños divertidos están disponibles para su computadora de escritorio, computadora portátil, tableta o teléfono móvil. Compártalos con otros educadores y estudiantes para que todos disfruten y se animen durante la instrucción y el aprendizaje virtual.

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Gathering and Reflecting on Families’ Language and Cultural Goals

This WIDA Snapshot focuses on how you can gather information and reflect on the language and cultural goals families have for their children.

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Identifying Multilingual Learners with Specific Learning Disabilities: Data, Advice and Resources for School Teams

This Focus Bulletin offers expert advice, data on 2020-21 identification rates, data templates, common scenarios and resources for school teams identifying K-12 multilingual learners for Specific Learning Disabilities.

Originally published May 2017/Updated November 2023
Author: Lynn Shafer Willner

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Illustrated Guiding Principles of Language Development: Printable Posters

These posters bring each of the 10 WIDA Guiding Principles of Language Development to life and can be used by educators in classrooms and with parents, families and community members. Each illustrated guiding principle is set up for printing on a color laser printer. The finished printed size is 8.5x11 inches.

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Informe Para Padres y Tutores Legales

Este informe le proporciona información sobre el nivel de competencia de su hijo/a en el idioma inglés, tanto en el lenguaje social como en el académico.

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Introduciendo a WIDA

WIDA establece las bases para el éxito un salón de clase a la vez. ¡Estamos conscientes de lo que pueden lograr los estudiantes multilingües y sus educadores! Continuamente establecemos las mejores prácticas en la industria, apoyamos la defensa estudiantil y ofrecemos oportunidades de desarrollo profesional de primera clase para los maestros. ¡Vea cómo lo hacemos!

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Introducing WIDA

WIDA builds the foundations of success one classroom at a time. We know what multilingual students and their educators can do! We continually establish the industry’s best practices, support student advocacy and offer second to none professional development opportunities for teachers. Watch how we work!

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Justicia social a través de políticas educativas

En este boletín de enfoque, WIDA reseña las leyes y políticas que moldearon la educación del lenguaje en los EE. UU. Este documento presenta consecuencias inesperadas de estas políticas en los programas y la enseñanza de estudiantes bi/multilingües; destaca cómo practicantes en el ámbito educativo lidian con las políticas y sus consecuencias; e incluye herramientas para la reflexión, colaboración, capacitación profesional y relaciones comunitarias.

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Language-Focused Family Engagement

This WIDA Focus Bulletin introduces readers to the four pillars of Language-Focused Family Engagement and provides tools to help educators examine their local family engagement practices.​

Published September 2018
Author: Delis Cuéllar, Alissa Blair, Lorena Mancilla

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Learning Language Every Day: Activities for Families (Arabic)

Activities to start conversations with children about their family, what they like to play, how they feel, what sounds they hear in their home or community, and the weather.

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