Cristian Ivan Torres Hilario spent some of his summer working with WIDA as an intern. Cristian is a multilingual high school student in Madison, Wisconsin.
In this edition of Conversations with Tim, Tim speaks with Rosalie Lincoln and Cathy Moses about their work in the Lower Kuskokwim School District in Alaska to preserve and revitalize the Yugtun language.
Meet Lorena and Ping-Lin, the 2023 WIDA summer research interns! Lorena and Ping-Lin are Ph.D. students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They spent the summer working with the WIDA assessment team and contributed to multiple research projects.
Scroll down to read interviews between Lorena, Ping-Lin and Hannah Haynes, a WIDA staffer.
Are you new to ACCESS for ELLs? Have you administered an ACCESS test before but can’t remember where to find things like training, test prep and test materials? Look no further than this brief reference to all things ACCESS!
In this edition of Conversations with Tim, Tim speaks with Piedad Kaye and Michelle Kotwica. Piedad and Michelle work together in the Mannheim 83 School District in Illinois. They share some of the keys to their success in building a bilingual program in their district.
Listening option: Listen to the audio here or click “Read more” to continue reading.
Catch up on or reminisce about the biggest moments from the 2023 WIDA Annual Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
WIDA releases the Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA (Marco DALE), WIDA’s latest Spanish language development standards framework. The Marco DALE is a framework for instruction, curriculum, professional development and assessments of Spanish language development of bi/multilingual learners who are learning academic content in Spanish.
WIDA lanza el Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA (Marco DALE). Este marco informa la instrucción, el currículo, la capacitación profesional y las evaluaciones del desarrollo del lenguaje de estudiantes bi/multilingües que aprenden contenido curricular en español.
The WIDA International School Consortium membership program ended June 30, 2023. While there is no longer a WIDA membership program for independent and/or international schools, you can still continue to use and access WIDA resources, assessments and professional learning (and we encourage you to do so)!
Social Justice is one of the five WIDA core values. Building our own awareness of social justice issues is a large part of living up to this value. We do this by continuing to understand the national education climate and by personally learning all we can about the experiences of multilingual learners.