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Nominate an Educator

WIDA's Featured Educator is a bi-monthly feature article that highlights classroom, district, or state-level educators who are making a difference in the lives of multilingual learners. Nominate an outstanding colleague today!

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Conversations with Tim: Educating and supporting multilingual learners 

April 12, 2022

In this edition of Conversations with Tim, Tim talks to Kenji Hakuta, a professor emeritus at Stanford University and expert on multilingual learner education. During their conversation, Kenji shared his reflections on multilingual learner education – touching on what he’s observed and where we are today. 

Listening option: Listen to the audio here or click “Read more” to continue reading.

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Garantizando el éxito estudiantil: Apoyando a los estudiantes bi/multilingües que han sido reclasificados del programa para aprendices del inglés

April 8, 2022

En este artículo, Samuel Aguirre, director de WIDA Español, examina investigaciones recientes sobre estudiantes que han salido de un programa para aprendices del inglés y quienes parecen necesitar apoyo lingüístico adicional. Sam describe los requisitos legales para los estudiantes bi/multilingües que terminan estos programas y brinda recomendaciones para mejorar sus servicios.

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Ensuring student success: Supporting bi/multilingual students after exiting English learner programming

April 8, 2022

In this article, Sam Aguirre, WIDA Español director, examines recent research on students who have exited an English learner program but appear to need additional language support. Sam outlines the legal requirements of bi/multilingual students who exit English learner programs and provides recommendations to enhance services.

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Everything you’ve ever wanted to know: WIDA Screener for Kindergarten

April 4, 2022

Are you new to WIDA Screener for Kindergarten? Have you administered the test before but can’t remember where to find things like training and test materials? Use this brief reference to all things WIDA Screener for Kindergarten so that you are ready to welcome your young multilingual learners.

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Two or three really is better than one: The case for multilingualism

April 4, 2022

In honor of national bi/multilingual learner advocacy month, Tim Boals, WIDA founder and director, reflects on what multilingualism means to him.

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Featured Educator: Reggie Williams 

February 25, 2022

Meet… Reggie Williams! Reggie is an English to Speakers of Other Languages teacher at Clarkston High School in Clarkston, Georgia. Read this edition of Featured Educator to learn about Reggie’s go-to resources, his classroom ethos and his thoughts on which decade had the best music!

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WIDA Illustrated Guiding Principles in 13 Additional Languages

February 16, 2022

The WIDA Illustrated Guiding Principles of Language Development – a colorful booklet of 10 principles that exemplify the WIDA Can Do Philosophy – are now available in 13 additional languages, for a total of 14 languages.

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Conversations with Tim: The Discussion Project

February 7, 2022

In this edition of Conversations with Tim, Tim talks to Dean Diana Hess and Lynn Glueck about the Discussion Project. The Discussion Project is a professional development program designed to help educators create welcoming, engaging and academically rigorous classroom environments in which students experience productive classroom discussions on important issues and topics.

Listening option: Listen to the audio here or click “Read more” to continue reading.

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From False-Positives to Advocacy: Shifting Deficit Perspectives in the Identification of English Learners

February 3, 2022

In this article, Mariana Castro, deputy director for the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, examines recent research on the process of identifying English learners (ELs). After looking at the data, Mariana suggests that we take a more holistic, dynamic approach when it comes to identifying ELs. Read the article to learn about Mariana’s proposed system, which she says could offer a richer portrayal of bi/multilingual students and their linguistic and academic assets.

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De falsos positivos a la abogacía: Cambiando la perspectiva de déficit en la identificación de estudiantes aprendices del inglés (English learners)

February 3, 2022

En este artículo, Mariana Castro, subdirectora del Centro de Investigación Educativa de Wisconsin (WCER, por sus siglas en inglés), examina investigaciones recientes sobre el proceso de identificación de los aprendices de inglés (EL, por sus siglas en inglés). Después de repasar las necesidades, Mariana sugiere que adoptemos un enfoque más holístico y dinámico cuando se trata de identificar a los EL. Lea el artículo para obtener más información sobre el sistema propuesto por Mariana, que, según ella, podría ofrecer una representación de los estudiantes bi/multilingües enriquesida por sus recursos lingüísticos y académicos.

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