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Nominate an Educator

WIDA's Featured Educator is a bi-monthly feature article that highlights classroom, district, or state-level educators who are making a difference in the lives of multilingual learners. Nominate an outstanding colleague today!

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June 2018 Featured Educator: Saasha Lambson

Saasha Lambson wears several hats, as she is both a fourth-grade dual-language teacher and serves as the bilingual coordinator.

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WIDA News October 2019

The October 2019 edition of WIDA News includes our Featured Educator, an announcement about Advancing ATELLA: Alternative ACCESS Redesign project, information about the WIDA School Improvement System, upcoming professional learning events and more.

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Featured Educator: John Masella

"What WIDA provides, amongst many things, are tools to improve relationships between ELL staff and content staff by encouraging collaboration and a free exchange of ideas. It also provides tools for content teachers to deliver content instruction to our ELLs. It gives those teachers the confidence to work with our students and provide them with the strategies and the scaffolds they need to not only improve their English proficiency but also be successful students in areas like math, science, history."

– John Masella, ELL coordinator, Massachusetts

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WIDA News July 2019

The July 2019 edition of WIDA News includes our Featured Educator, the release of the 2019 WIDA Guiding Principles of Language Development, professional learning opportunities, WIDA website and Secure Portal updates, and more!

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August 2017 Featured Educator: Monica Cortada

Monica Cortada passionately serves language learners and their families in Maryland by helping to address both academic and social-emotional needs of her students.

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WIDA News April 2019

The April 2019 edition of WIDA News includes our Featured Educator, information about our website feedback survey, information about registration dates for the WIDA Annual Conference, and upcoming WIDA Workshops.

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WIDA News May 2020

The May 2020 edition of WIDA News includes updates on the WIDA COVID-19 webpage, an interview with May's Featured Educator, a call for WIDA Fellows nominations, an article with tips for virtual planning, and more.

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December 2017 Featured Educator: Rachel Burrel

Rachel Burrell's work with multilingual students is motivated by her belief that education has the power to positively impact students' lives.

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February 2019 Featured Educator: Jori Ruff

This month's featured educators, Jori Ruff, works with Kindergarten through Grade 5 multilingual learners in Baraboo, Wisconsin. She was selected, in part, because of her dedication to raising achievement for all students by providing support to teachers in a coaching capacity and through professional development.

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WIDA News March 2020

The March 2020 edition of WIDA News includes an announcement about the WIDA Annual Conference, an interview with March Featured Educators, an article about recent research by Making Science Multilingual, and more. 

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