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Implementation Guide: WIDA ELD Standards Framework
Recordings of past WIDA Webinars
Trauma Informed Considerations for Multilingual Learners

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Making Connections (Minnesota)

Making Connections: Using the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Standards and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children is a comprehensive resource that offers suggestions, tools, and sample plans for teachers who use the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Standards and WIDA Early Years resources to plan equitable learning opportunities for young multilingual children.

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Making Connections (New Mexico)

Making Connections: Using the New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children is a comprehensive resource that offers suggestions, tools, and sample plans for teachers who use the New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines and WIDA Early Years resources to plan equitable learning opportunities for young multilingual children.

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Making Connections (Virginia)

Making Connections: Using the Virginia Early Learning and Development Standards and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children is a comprehensive resource that offers suggestions, tools and sample plans for teachers who use the Virginia Early Learning and Development Standards and WIDA Early Years resources to plan equitable learning opportunities for young multilingual children.

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Making Connections (Washington)

Making Connections: Using the Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children is a comprehensive resource that offers suggestions, tools, and sample plans for teachers who use the Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines and WIDA Early Years resources to plan equitable learning opportunities for young multilingual children.

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Making Connections (Wisconsin)

Making Connections: Using the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children is a comprehensive resource that offers suggestions, tools, and sample plans for teachers who use the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and WIDA Early Years resources to plan equitable learning opportunities for young multilingual children.

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Making Science Multilingual: An Interdisciplinary Program and its Evolution

This report discusses an interdisciplinary and interorganizational endeavor to support the science education of multilingual youth: the Making Science Multilingual program. More specifically, the report addresses the rationale for the program, milestones it accomplished, resources it required, and challenges it faced.

Published November 2020 
Authors: Daniella Molle, Weiqiong Scarlett Huang


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Making Science Multilingual: Supporting Equity Through Design Principles

This Focus Bulletin emphasizes how multilingual learners' everyday language can be an asset to science teachers in their efforts to promote classroom engagement. It provides educators with real-world examples and guiding questions to help create learning spaces where sensemaking, co-construction, language development and equity can flourish simultaneously.

Published June 2022
Authors: Rita MacDonald, David Crowther, Jennifer Wilfrid

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Marco ALE: Aplicación para la actualización y desarrollo de estándares

El Marco de referencia de las artes del lenguaje del español de WIDA: Aplicación para la actualización y desarrollo de estándares es el primer marco de las artes del lenguaje del español en los Estados Unidos. Este documento sirve como guía para aprender más sobre los elementos del Marco ALE y como aplicarlos para la actualización, el desarrollo y la alineación de estándares de las artes del lenguaje del español.

El libro se presenta en español con resúmenes en inglés.

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Marco ALE: Aplicación para la actualización y desarrollo de estándares

Marco de referencia de las artes del lenguaje del español de WIDA: Aplicación para la actualización y desarrollo de estándares is the first Spanish language arts framework of its kind in the United States. This document serves as a guide to learn more about the elements of Marco ALE and how to apply them in the enhancement, development, and alignment of Spanish language arts standards.

Written in Spanish with English summaries

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Marco ALE: Aplicación para la enseñanza

El Marco de referencia de las artes del lenguaje del español de WIDA: Aplicación para la enseñanza es el primer marco de las artes del lenguaje del español en los Estados Unidos. Este documento sirve como guía para aprender más sobre los elementos del Marco ALE y como aplicarlos para la enseñanza de las artes del lenguaje del español. Nota: Esta es una muestra del documento. Visite la tienda de WIDA para comprar la versión completa.

El libro se presenta en español con resúmenes en inglés.

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Marco ALE: Aplicación para la enseñanza

Marco de referencia de las artes del lenguaje del español de WIDA: Aplicación para la enseñanza is the first Spanish language arts framework of its kind in the United States. This document serves as a guide to learn more about the elements of Marco ALE and how to apply them in the teaching of Spanish language arts. Note: This is a sample of the document. Visit the WIDA Store to purchase the complete version.

Written in Spanish with English summaries

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Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA

The Marco de los estándares del desarrollo auténtico del lenguaje español de WIDA (Marco DALE) is a Spanish language development standards framework with Language Functions and sample Language Features designed to guide Spanish language development. Este documento guía el desarrollo del lenguaje español de forma auténtica a ese lenguaje y a contextos bilingües mediante expectativas del lenguaje que contienen funciones del lenguaje y ejemplos de recursos lingüísticos.

Written in Spanish with English summaries


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Multilingual Children and Their Families

This WIDA Snapshot provides an overview of who multilingual children are, the benefits of promoting home language(s), and initial ideas for developing reciprocal partnerships with multilingual families.

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Multiliteracies: A Glimpse into Language Arts Bilingual Classrooms

This Focus Bulletin investigates how educators of bi/multilingual learners can leverage multiliteracies for instruction. Drawing from a fictional scenario in a language arts classroom, this bulletin shows how multiliteracies can be leveraged throughout the teaching and learning cycle. The Focus Bulletin includes various perspectives from experts in the field to illustrate the role of multiliteracies, as well as tools for reflection and implementation in the bilingual classroom.

Vea y descargue en español.

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Oral Language in the Classroom

This Focus Bulletin explores the kind of spoken English language that multilingual learners benefit from developing, showing how that oral language is described in WIDA standards resources and assessed on the ACCESS for ELLs Speaking test.

Published October 2019 
Authors: Mark Chapman, Dale Erlandson

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Performance Definitions - Expressive Domains

This document contains the performance definitions for the expressive domains of speaking and writing.

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Performance Definitions - Receptive Domains

This document contains the performance definitions for the receptive domains of listening and reading.

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Performance of Technology-Enhanced Items in Grades 1–12 English Language Proficiency Assessments

Technology-enhanced items (TEIs) are innovative, computer-delivered test items that are more authentic and interactive than traditional multiple-choice items (MCIs). This study examines the performance of grades 1–12 English learners on TEIs compared to MCIs on the reading domain of ACCESS for ELLs Online.

Published December 2020 
Authors: Ahyoung Alicia Kim, Rurik L. Tywoniw, Mark Chapman

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Planning for Languaging and Learning

In early care and education (ECE) settings, planning for multilingual children includes fostering the many ways we use language to make meaning of our environments, experiences, and learning. This WIDA Snapshot includes ideas for gathering information from families, community members, and classroom observations to use while planning.

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Promoting Equity for Young Multilingual Children and Their Families

This Focus Bulletin invites early care and education (ECE) educators to promote equity for young multilingual children and their families. In the bulletin, we offer ideas for taking a language-focused approach to equitable caregiving and instructional practice in ECE settings. Also, we highlight voices from the field, and offer reflection questions to help you consider what it means to promote equity for multilingual children and their families.

Published February 2021 
Authors: Amanda Spalter, Lorena Mancilla

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