This Focus Bulletin centers on P.H. Miller School/Plano Early Learning to show how educators, families and community members collaborate to promote equitable transitions for multilingual children in grades PreK-3. It provides reflections and advice from educators.
Resource Details View Download NowThis guide presents six key considerations for strengthening family engagement practices and building relationships with families.
Resource Details View Download NowThis comprehensive document explains the types of scores reported by ACCESS for ELLs for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Resource Details View Download NowThis letter, available in many languages, contains general information about ACCESS for ELLs and is meant to accompany ACCESS for ELLs score reports as an explanation for parents and guardians. It is provided in an editable format to allow districts and schools to include additional information regarding test administration dates and state policy.
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Este informe brinda información sobre el nivel de desarrollo del alumno en la prueba de desempeño linguístico en inglés ACCESS for ELLs.
Detalles del recurso Ver Descargar ahoraEnvíe este volante a los hogares con los estudiantes, junto con el Informe individual del estudiante de ACCESS for ELLs. Este folleto provee información sobre cada aspecto de la puntuación incluida en el informe. Utilice esta guía en español para ayudar a los padres a comprender qué significan las puntuaciones y cómo se utilizan.
Detalles del recurso Ver Descargar ahoraSend this flyer home with students along with the ACCESS for ELLs Individual Student Report. This flyer explains each piece of score information included in the report. Use this guide, available in several languages, to help parents understand what scores mean and how they are used.
Resource DetailsThis concept tool provides an overview of equitable, language-focused approaches to multilingual children’s transitions across programs, districts, schools and grade levels (PreK-K, K-1, 1-2 and 2-3).
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowEnvíe este volante a los hogares con los estudiantes, junto con el Informe individual del estudiante de Alternate ACCESS. Este folleto provee información sobre cada aspecto de la puntuación incluida en el informe. Utilice esta guía en español para ayudar a los padres a comprender qué significan las puntuaciones y cómo se utilizan.
Detalles del recurso Ver Descargar ahoraActividades para iniciar conversaciones con los niños sobre su familia, lo que les gusta jugar, cómo se sienten, qué sonidos escuchan en su hogar o comunidad, al igual que el clima.
Detalles del recurso Ver Descargar ahoraThe Are We Ready? Districts and Programs Collaboration Guide is for PreK-3 district and program leaders to use for reflection and planning connected to leading equitable transitions for multilingual children and their families. Use the Are We Ready? Districts and Programs Notetaker to write down your own ideas and transition plans.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowThe Are We Ready? Educators Collaboration Guide is for PreK-3 educators to use for reflection and planning connected to promoting and providing equitable transitions for multilingual children and their families. Use the Are We Ready? Educators Notetaker to write down your own ideas and transition plans.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowThis list has recommended readings and references for PreK-3 educators and leaders to use to explore equitable language-focused transitions for multilingual children and their families.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowThe Are We Ready? Schools and Programs Collaboration Guide is for PreK-3 school and program leaders to use for reflection and planning connected to leading equitable transitions for multilingual children and their families. Use the Are We Ready? Schools and Programs Notetaker to write down your own ideas and transition plans.
See the Teaching in PreK-3 page for context.
Resource Details View Download NowEste volante le provee a educadores la información sobre cómo lenguas del hogar desempeñan un rol importante en el mantenimiento de comunicación y relaciones con la familia.
Detalles del recurso Ver Descargar ahoraIn this Focus Bulletin, WIDA revisits landmark legislation and policies that shaped language education in the U.S. It presents unintended consequences on programming and instruction of bi/multilingual students; showcases how field practitioners address language policy and its consequences; and includes tools for reflection, collaboration, professional learning and community engagement.
Published November 2022
Author: Mariana Castro
This WIDA Snapshot is grounded in WIDA’s ABCs of Family Engagement and can be used to initiate reflection and conversation on local efforts to engage with families of multilingual children.
Resource DetailsEste resumen informativo está basado en el ABC (por sus siglas en inglés) de la participación familiar de WIDA y puede usarlo para iniciar la reflexión y la conversación sobre los esfuerzos locales para el enlace con las familias de niños multilingües.
Resource DetailsUse this flyer in intake centers or at parent-teacher conferences as you explain the process of screening students and identifying them as ELLs. This flyer, available in several languages, explains how ELLs are identified and what that status means for students. Use it to help parents understand the purpose of screening and language testing.
Resource DetailsUse este folleto en los centros de ingreso o durante las conferencias con padres para explicar el proceso de evaluación de estudiantes e identificación como ELL (por sus siglas en inglés). Este folleto explica en español cómo se identifican a los estudiantes ELL y qué significa esa clasificación para ellos. Úselo para ayudar a los padres a comprender el propósito de evaluar el nivel lingüístico.
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