This comprehensive document explains the types of scores reported by ACCESS for ELLs for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Resource Details View Download NowThis letter, available in many languages, contains general information about ACCESS for ELLs and is meant to accompany ACCESS for ELLs score reports as an explanation for parents and guardians. It is provided in an editable format to allow districts and schools to include additional information regarding test administration dates and state policy.
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Send this flyer home with students along with the ACCESS for ELLs Individual Student Report. This flyer explains each piece of score information included in the report. Use this guide, available in several languages, to help parents understand what scores mean and how they are used.
Resource DetailsA checklist for tracking the accommodations a student receives on ACCESS for ELLs Online.
Resource Details View Download NowIn this webinar recording, WIDA experts explain the decision-making process for choosing whether a multilingual learner should take ACCESS for ELLs or WIDA Alternate ACCESS. The webinar provides newfound insights and strategies.
Resource DetailsThis accessibility manual was developed to guide the selection and administration of Test Administration Considerations, Universal Tools, and Accommodations for individual English Language Learners (ELLs) in order to produce valid assessment results.
Resource Details View Download NowACCESS for ELLs Online technical reports provide evidence for validity and reliability of ACCESS for ELLs Online and support intended uses, interpretations, and decision made with the test. This is the redacted report for the 2022-2023 administration of ACCESS for ELLs Online without item information.
Resource Details View Download NowThis document describes WIDA's viewpoint of the criteria for an assessment to be used as a valid interim English language proficiency assessment in support of the annual administration of ACCESS for ELLs.
Resource Details View Download NowRegardless of the growth model, aggregate test-score-based models of student growth require large and longitudinally connected samples of student data. When sample sizes are small it becomes impossible to reliably estimate and disentangle district, school and teacher effects from student growth data.
Published June 2015
Author: Narek Sahakyan
This research report provides a description of a study examining school districts in the WIDA Consortium whose English language learners (ELLs) exhibit consistently high growth on the ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS) assessment.
Published August 2014
Authors: Narek Sahakyan, H. Gary Cook
This report examines English learners’ (EL) testing, proficiency and growth in the academic years of 2018–19, 2019–20 and 2020–21, using population-level data from ACCESS for ELLs Online, administered across the WIDA Consortium to students identified as ELs. The objective of the report is to shed light on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ELs’ educational outcomes.
October 2021
Authors: Narek Sahakyan, H. Gary Cook
This report examines English learner testing, proficiency, and growth in the years surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. This research builds on an October 2021 report on the impact of the pandemic, and includes data from the 2021-22 ACCESS for ELLs test administration. Findings indicate that in some grades and language domains EL's average proficiency and growth have returned to pre-pandemic levels. However, for most grades and language domains the evidence points to a continuing impact of COVID-19 on English learners’ English language development.
Published April 2023
Author: Narek Sahakyan, Glenn Poole
This report examines English learners’ testing, proficiency, and growth during the six most recent academic years (2018-2023) to shed light on the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on English learners’ educational outcomes. It provides descriptive evidence on disparities in outcomes within WIDA's English learner population, with substantial average differences in outcomes between English learners identified as Hispanic compared to non-Hispanic ELs. Findings show that these disparities are persistent and have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Published April 2024
Authors: Glenn Poole, Narek Sahakyan
Motivated by findings of a 2018 WIDA report pointing to large overlap between ELs with Individualized Education Program (IEP) designations and those ELs who could be identified as LTELs, this study further focuses on these dual-identified students. Grouping ELs by ever-IEP (i.e., being assigned an IEP at any point in the longitudinal record) and never-IEP status, we compare these two subgroups’ English language growth trajectories across time. Our findings show consistent trends of differential growth and reclassification rates for these two subgroups.
Published November 2021
Authors: Narek Sahakyan, Glenn Poole
This technical report aids WIDA Consortium members and stakeholders in producing imputed overall composite scale scores and proficiency levels for students who are missing scores in one or two domains due to a disability.
Published September 2020
Author: Narek Sahakyan
This report describes how different student ability restrictions may affect item characteristics in the ACCESS multistage adaptive testing, and presents options for item administration in field testing.
Resource Details View Download NowThis study examined how English learners in Grades 1-12, with and without disabilities, used online accessibility features during an ELP assessment. These accessibility features are designed to provide the necessary support for the general EL population, including ELs with disabilities.
Published March 2019
Authors: Ahyoung Alicia Kim, Meltem Yumsek, Mark Chapman, H. Gary Cook
Technology-enhanced items (TEIs) are innovative, computer-delivered test items that are more authentic and interactive than traditional multiple-choice items (MCIs). This study examines the performance of grades 1–12 English learners on TEIs compared to MCIs on the reading domain of ACCESS for ELLs Online.
Published December 2020
Authors: Ahyoung Alicia Kim, Rurik L. Tywoniw, Mark Chapman
District Frequency Reports show the number and percentage of tested students who scored at each proficiency level. There are separate reports for each grade.
Resource Details View Download NowThis report provides information about the student’s scores on the ACCESS for ELLs English language proficiency test. This test is based on the WIDA English Language Development Standards and is used to measure students’ progress in learning English. Scores are reported as Language Proficiency Levels and as Scale Scores.
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